-30- Coffee Stains

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-Darryl's POV-
I placed my foggy glasses against my nose and gently adjusted them. I stumbled around till I hit a large wooden door, which creaked in protest. I pushed gently, turning the knob, which made my glasses begin to defog as I entered the comparably cooler room. Zak was sitting in-front of me on the bed. His left hand gripped the silky sheets as the right gripped his hair. I gently pulled his left shoulder, to which he flinched.
"Zak, look, I'm really sor-"
I was cut off by a hand cupping my face.
"Please don't leave." Zak mumbled as he looked up. His new position gave me a better view of his face. I noticed streams from old tears that run down his cheeks, as more threatened to fall.

It felt like something jabbed into my heart.
"Please don't.. leave."
"Zak I'm not going anywhere."
"But there's more beds open now and I can't sleep alone."
"You should've said something earlier, of course I won't leave in that case you muffin!"
I wiped his tears carefully, giving him a moment to breathe, though he looked as though he couldn't. He took short, sharp breaths, and seemed to be hyperventilating.
I sat down beside him and ran my fingers through his fluffy hair. The knots tried to stop me, but I managed. I began humming and swaying both our bodies back and forth.
I heard his breathing begin to slow and steady itself.

I then heard snoring. I smiled at the sight on my shoulder. A very, very sleepy Zak. His eyes seemed to only rest very gently, as if he was used to having to be alert, which only made me hold my breath. I placed him on the bed and under the sheets before taking a seat next to him. I pulled the part of the hoodie that would hit his collarbones up to my face, and inhaled.
I smiled at the scent. It was Zak's favorite cologne, I knew about it considering all his talk about it when he was just Skeppy. I guess he hadn't worn the hoodie as much since then, considering he didn't smell much like cologne at the moment. I buried my face into the hoodie, holding back giggles, I didn't want to wake him.
I felt a smile quickly paint onto my face as I buried my face deeper. I was so glad Zak couldn't see this.

-Zak's POV-
I was going to prank Darryl, just like the old times. That was until he tucked me in and stared at me. I could feel his emerald eyes burning holes into my "closed" ones. I had a talent for pretending to close them when they were slightly cracked open, though it made me strain my face too much for comfort. I closed them, letting the mattress pull me in a bit. I expected to hear footsteps leaving the room, but instead heard the bed creak beside my legs. I cracked my eyes open, only to see Darryl's face buried in the hoodie he was wearing.

My hoodie.

That smells like me.

I let my eyes flutter open fully, considering he was facing the other way. I could tell even from looking at his back that he was bright fucking red. I saw his head begin to turn, so I quickly closed my eyes again.

"Zak..." He whispered, assumingely watching me.
"BOO!" I yelled, making him jump backwards.
"ZAKK! How long were you awake?!"
My head spun. I didn't want to lie to him, that seemed rude, but I didn't wanna embarrass him.
"I just woke up you idot!"
"Heyyy don't call me that!"
We bickered jokingly like an old married couple for awhile, smiling and laughing.
It ended abruptly when Darryl caught sight of the window. It was the middle of the goddamn night.
We continued to giggle like little kids, but then it came to me.
"Darryl, this apartment."
"What about it...?"
"Do you remember Kyri?"
His eyes widened at my implication.
"Zak, she's dead."
"That's not my concern."

I pulled him towards the door I had found, to which he stared in shock. His grip tightened on my arm as an audible gasp released from his throat.
"No.. No. Zak that's not fucking funny."
"Wh- Hold on what did you say?"
"Your little jokes are normally ok but that's. not. funny."
"Darryl I'm not making some sort of joke, this is real. She was going to kidnap me I think."
I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, as his torso pressed against mine. He felt as though he was never going to let go, but that was fine with me. He pushed me up against the wall and held me tighter, his arms refusing to budge.

"I'm right here." I whispered into his neck and I rubbed his back slowly, letting my hand glide around blindly.
He nodded at my words before pulling away. He turned before I could get a good look at his face, but I could tell his face was burning. He adjusted his frames and pushed open the door. I felt a knot behind to form in my stomach as I stared at what was behind the door.


Rocco was dead. It wasn't bloody, but he was unmistakably gone. I raced towards the body, slouching over it. I picked up my best friend's body and inspected it. He couldn't have died from old age, I would have known. And he definitely didn't go in there by choice.

I spotted a note tucked messily behind his collar, stained with what I assumed to be coffee. I opened the slightly gross note. A stain in the shape of a mug sat at the top right corner, and words decorated around it. The note itself read out;

-Note Start-

Oopsies! My bad!
It's ok, he was destined to go eventually,
just like you if you don't do as I say.
Follow the spotted moths. You'll
find her.


1006 words

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