-15- Cellar

222 6 14

-Zak's POV-
I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. The back of my head still hurt, and this sure as hell wasn't heaven. Maybe I was in hell? No... I thought he'll was supposed to be full of fire, kind of like the nether. When I tried to reach to rub my temple, I realized a rope bound my wrists together behind me. Yeah, I wasn't one bit dead.

"Oh Zakk~~"

What? Who said that?

"I see you're awake, did you sleep well?"

That voice sounds familiar... The reason I'm here is on the tip of my tongue.

"Sorry I had to trick you, but I knew you would reject my love for you!"

It all came back to me. Kyri, the confession, hiding, then the pain. She must have seen me duck into that stupid den. Why did I ever trust her?

"Are you going to respond?"

I wasn't responding to that crazy bitch. Not in a million years.

"You know..."

I didn't know.

"I could kill your sweet Darryl right now if I wanted to."


"Oh so you can talk now?"


"Speak when spoken to!"

"I could always talk."

"Good to hear. Now let's get a few tings straight."

I tilted my head, now curious what she wanted to say.

"You won't be leaving, and if you even try leaving, Darryl and Vincent will be 6 feet under."


"Are you going deaf? How hard did I hit you?"

I didn't answer. I wished I wasn't here. I wished I was with Darryl. He would fix this. He always did. He always made things better. Her deep blue eyes sparkled as she stared down at me.

"Earth to Zak~~"

"AH! Oh... Huh?"

"What are you thinking about?"


"It was me, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, sure."

I really needed to get out of here. But how? I looked around the light gray concret room. I noticed the walls were splattered with a dark liquid, but the old lightbulb that hung from the ceiling barely illuminated anything. The room reeked of metal and sweat. The only thing I could clearly see was her. I wished she would've just left already. I needed to be able to look around alone.

"Well sweetheart, I need to go do something. Goodbye, don't try escaping~~!"

Funny. She really thought I'd listen. As she left, I caught sight of a key ring. "That may come in handy..." I thought. I continued to think for a minute, which gave me a good plan.

I looked towards a light switch, that I could barely see. I flung my legs up, bringing the chair too, and slammed them back down. It brought me forward slightly. I continued till I was by the light switch. The light switch was just above my head. Perfect. I put my head directly under it and flipped my head back. A large overhead light flickered on. I began to look around the room, realizing that liquid was blood. I had to get out of there.

I glanced over at a staircase beside me and smiled. But how was I meant to get up there, and, better yet, out? I saw the door at the top of the old wooden stairs. It seemed very old and worn out, but it also had a lock. Shit.

I heard footsteps and scooted back to my original spot after flipping the light switch off. Kyri came down with a Swiss Army knife.

"Good morning sweetheart! Did you sleep well?"

I nodded.

"Goood! I came to take some of your blood. Don't worry, it won't hurt, I just want your Darryl to think you're dead!"

"What? No!"

"Don't worry it won't take long."

"No, get the hell away!"

She put a cloth over my mouth, which was apparently soaked in something that numbed my muscles. I couldn't even talk. She giggled psychotically.

"You're adorable when you struggle!"

She made a small cut in my wrist and removed some blood. She then bandaged my wound and sat on the floor next to me till I could speak again.

"I'm glad you can move again, but don't struggle, or I'll have to hurt Darryl."

That was so it. I was done.

"Could you please untie me?"


"I want to hug you!"

"Awww of course!"

She quickly cut the ropes on me. I got up and started walking towards her. But, instead of hugging her, I kicked her down. As if she knew it was coming she pulled my legs out of under me. She numbed my muscles yet again.

"I knew it. I forgive you, but you do need to learn."

I panicked. I had to get those keys, she might've been planning to hurt Darryl!

"I'll just get rid of what's making you rebel. Your dear, sweet friends. I'll be home soon, bye Zakky!"

No. This wasn't gonna happen. I wouldn't let it. She left, closing the door behind her. I started on an escape plan while I was waiting for my movement to return. I paused, looking at a certain thing.

"That's it!"

Tell me, what escape route do you guys think I'm talking about? If you look at the part where I describe what the room looks like with the big light on, you might be able to tell.

886 words

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