-28- Behind a Screen

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-Darryl's POV-
I felt rays of sun warm my body as I woke, stopping me from opening my eyes. I smiled at the thought of someone latching onto my side and sleeping on my chest, my imagination made it almost feel like someone was really there. It took me a few minutes to realize it was, in fact, not my imagination.
I watched as Zak rested his head peacefully on my chest, asleep. My heart rate increased as my face burned. I watched Zak take notice to it in his sleep, slowly adjusting to rest closer to my body. It surprisingly calmed me a bit, knowing he was safe, it gave me the ability to relax.

I ran my fingers gently through his raven hair, watching his chest rise and fall. The moment felt perfect, as if I'd never have to move again, until of course Rocco decided to join. He jumped onto the sheets and drooled on Zak's arm, which woke him immediately.
"Zak, wake up."
"NooOO I don't wanna!!"
He pouted at me and smacked my arm.
"Ow! Zak!"
"Good. You deserved it."
"Noo Zak im sorry!"
He looked back at me, grinning.
"Ok! I forgive you. On one condition."
"What is it?"
"You admit you're bald."
"Zak!" I whined, pulling down my hood, to reveal my hair, which was weirdly matted from bead head.
"Not real! Photoshopped!"
"Fine, fine, I'm bald. Are you happy now?"
Zak giggled and nodded, hugging my arm.

Rocco laid in between us, pawing at Zak's arm, begging to be pet. Zak rested a hand on Rocco's head, and scratched gently behind his ear. I swung my feet over the side of the bed, rubbing my eyes. My hand fumbled around the nearby nightstand, searching for my glasses. My fingers met with the familiar cold frame, as I pulled them up to my face. I placed them on and adjusted them carefully. I looked around the now illuminated room, which was practically unscathed.

A dresser sat in the corner, opposite of a tall wardrobe. There was also a desk, holding a computer, and a door on the left wall. While Zak was distracted, I made my way towards the door. It opened up to a bathroom, the floors and counters made of a black marble that would reflect the sun perfectly. The rest of the room had a sleek look, boasting expensive furniture and finishes. A large shower sat in the corner, the window extending past it, so you get a view of the whole city. I reached my hand towards the handle that controlled the water, and gently turned it.
Water came rushing out of the shower head, and I quickly turned it off. I wasn't sure how that managed to work, but I wasn't complaining.

-Zak's POV-
I almost jumped out of bed when I heard the sound of running water. I raced towards the bathroom, only to see Darryl staring blankly at the now turned off shower. I practically jumped into his arms.
"How did you make it work?!" I said, still hugging him tight. He just stared at the faucet in disbelief for a moment, before giving his answer.
"I.. I don't know."
"Well what did you do?"
"I just turned the handle."
I shrugged and giggled, making his expression soften a bit.
I ran out of the bathroom towards the wardrobe I had seen in it the night before. I inspected myself in the mirror, which was placed on the door. My hair was too long, my face was covered in soot and dirt, and my clothes desperately needed to be washed.
I decided to put off updating my looks awhile longer, and began to rummage through the wardrobe. Plenty of nice shirts and pants were hung, most of which were formal or office wear, none of which were really my style. I began searching drawers, which was much more helpful. Plenty of hoodies and sweatpants stacked on top of each other, the occasional t-shirt. Though, none of it was something I'd personally wear.

I decided after awhile to explore me and Darryl's new home. I walked through hall upon hall, opening random doors as I went. Eventually, I came to a door that caught my eye. It had been painted pink, and a sign hung on it. I approached it, thinking it may have some more casual clothing. My eyes rested on the sign, and I felt a lump in my throat form.

In light grey wooden letters, the name 'Kyri' was placed. The sign swung softly, as if to mock me. I felt like i was going to vomit. I gently pushed the door open, only to see something slightly more terrifying than the name on the door.
Pictures of me.
The ceiling was lined with pictures of me walking by the street, taking Rocco out, visiting a local coffee shop, etc.
Some were clearly taken from behind bushes, or in secret.
I held back the bile crawling it's way up my throat as I headed towards the closet.
I found merch of mine, which filled most of the closet. Plushies, figurines, apparel, everything I sold. There was a small set of white cubes at the bottom which held shoes. The ones set on top were a different size.

My size.

In the corner of the hanging part of the closet was normal clothes.

In my size.

I exhaled and took them. They smelled terrible, like Kyri. I decided to just wash them thoroughly before wear. I got to my knees and began inspecting the shoe cubes. I ran my hand against the wall, only to feel a slight separation. I jammed the cube set away to find a handle. I yanked it, and a pit formed in my stomach.

A room, with all the essentials for living. A small desk which sat close to the floor, and a greenscreen behind it. There was a sticky note on the computer, which read 'Put a backdrop of your old office on the green screen Zakky! <33'
I gagged at the nickname, but then it came to me.

Kyri was originally going to kidnap me.

1038 words

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