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Luke walked inside, Michael trailing after him. "Mum, I'm home!" Luke shouted from the front door. "Yes Luke, I can hear you. Who's this?" Liz, Luke's mum, commented idly from the living room. "This is Michael, remember mum, I've talked about him loads of times." He replied, exasperated. "Oh, so this is Michael," she said, standing up to give him a hug, "it's nice to finally meet you, I've heard so many good things about you, it's nice to put a face to the boy my baby won't shut up about." She said gleefully, enjoying teasing her youngest son.

"Mum, stop it." Luke whined, grabbing Michael's arm and dragging him towards the stairs. "Will he be staying for dinner?" She called to the boys. "Yeah sure." Luke yelled. He went to the last door at the top of the stairs, opening it and going to his bed, sitting down. "Welcome to my humble abode, where I sit for hours on my bed talking to you and generally just being an awkward teenager." He introduced.

Michael looked around, taking in the Fall Out Boy and Green Day posters on the wall, to his computer desk, to the plain black bedsheets on Luke's bed. "It's a nice room." He finally muttered, shuffling over to sit next to Luke on the bed. "What's the matter Mikey?" Luke asked worriedly. Mikey had never sounded less energetic then at that moment, and it scared Luke. "Nothing's wrong, it's just that yourroomisbetterthanmineandiwishmyroomlookedlikethis." He spluttered out in a rush. "Woah, slow down Mikey, I can't understand you." Luke giggled. Michael took a breath and slowly repeated, "Your room is better than mine and I wish my room looked like this." Luke side-hugged Michael and said, "Aww Mikey, you don't have to wish that, when you get back to England, we'll FaceTime again and I'll help you decorate you room, okay?" Michael leaned into the hug for a brief moment, subtly smelling Luke's cologne. "Yeah, I'd love too."

(here's the normal chapter lmao)
((i'm going to la for spring break))
(((so no updates for a couple days)))
((((not like anyone cares))))

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