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from: luke
yeah right. you're probably just saying that because you were too much of a lazy cunt to text me back and you just want to hurt me more.

to: luke
after i hung up from our facetime, i got called out of school. my mom was in a car accident and they didn't know if she would make it. i stayed in the hospital with her for four days until they said they couldn't save her and it was up to me whether or not to keep her on life support or pull the plug. my mom told me once that she wouldn't want to be kept on life support, so i told them to pull the plug.

to: luke
when i got home, i grabbed a razor blade and took to my wrists. i want to die so i can be with my mom. my uncle walked in my room as i was bleeding out on the floor, unconscious. he called the ambulance and i was brought to the hospital. i woke up and they put me on suicide watch for the rest of the week, so i wasn't allowed my phone.

to: luke
how dare you say i was a lazy cunt. all i wanted was to be able to talk to you, but i couldn't. the doctors and nurses wouldn't let me. i guess you just jumped to conclusions though, didn't you?

to: luke
i get it though. people at school call me names all the time, i was just waiting for the day when you would too. i honestly hoped that you might be different and prove me wrong, but you're just like everyone else.

to: luke
so, good riddance. i won't text you, you won't text me. end of conversation. i'm not going to delete your number, i care too much for that, but i don't care if you delete mine.

to: luke
so, goodbye, i guess. i love you.

(ugh amber whyy)
((it gets better i promise))
(((im too muke af to leave it like this)))

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