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FULL NAME° shin huarong° shin daisy ( the hua 花 in her name means flower so it seemed apt that her mom chose daisy )

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° shin huarong
° shin daisy ( the hua 花 in her name means flower so it seemed apt that her mom chose daisy )

° could it be undecided ? would be fun if the other roleplayers would help in the name process LOL

° daisy is not fond of her name and prefers being called daze

° 15 july / twenty

° female
° she / her

° bisexual
° absolutely no preference in gender ! she can't see so looks are of no importance to her , she prefers someone who vibes with her and they both have good banters while at the same time is able to look after her and make her feel safe :)

SEXUALITY° bisexual° absolutely no preference in gender ! she can't see so looks are of no importance to her , she prefers someone who vibes with her and they both have good banters while at the same time is able to look after her and make her fee...

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° song yuqi

° daisy is a little ball of energy . ever curious and enthusiastic about everything , she is a little bit like a child in how she acts . she's very friendly and can chat with everyone but the things she chats about and wheather the other person is actually into the conversation as well is a different thing . see , she grew up with not a lot of social interaction with others her age which makes her a bit socially unaware of common cues like body language or eye comtact etc . if told , she would try and correct her actions but since a lot of things are just left to infer , she gets confused ahout things a lot . it's for this reason that she's usually the one to reach out to others , text and double text because she just wants to connect with others like her .
° she has always admired the superheros and avengers but never inagined she herself would join them . for this reason , she does get very hesitant and unsure of herself and her capabilities although she usually just laughs it off .
° in spite of her cheerful persona , she usually represses how she feels because she's not great with words and doesn't know how to phrase them to get others to understand her . actually , she struggles a lot with words in general . she usually lets it out by punching bags or crying because that's the easiest way .

LIKES / DISLIKES+ furry animals , perfume , podcast and audible books are really cool , braids , velvet - ignorance , sudden loud sounds , canned drinks

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+ furry animals , perfume , podcast and audible books are really cool , braids , velvet
- ignorance , sudden loud sounds , canned drinks

° plasma manipulation
• ( taken from the wiki ) the user can create , shape and manipulate plasma , a state of matter consisting of fully ionized gas of low density containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons . essentially , think of she-go from kim possible or star fire from team titans !
• much like those two , she is able to generate plasma and use them offensively by coating them around her fists when she lands a punch or defensively by generating a force field around her . it has a light purple colour and is translucent where it can be looked through but has that sort of wavy distorting like when you look at the space above a flame
• her abilities drawbacks are mainly that their durability and strength rely a lot on her own strength and she does a lot of running and muscle training to build them up . strong damage to them does harm her although the affects are minimised , which is what happens when she uses them as a sheild . while the plasma can be generated some distance away from her , it needs to be at a length which she herself can physically reach like for example , a meter bubble around her
• normally , someone with her powers would be fit for the hero scene immediately because of their dual use but her disability impairs her heavily and as a result , she doesn't like to use her abilities offensively because she can't tell friend from foe in the heat of the moment . plasma burns to the touch to anyone except her and even her shields if thrown up haphazardly can just hurt her comrades . to this day , shes very wary about using her powers and only uses them when she has the verbal guidance of someone else present

+ physically fit because she's been training under S.H.I.E.L.D since she was a kid
+ instincts , she's not the most logical person and usually relies on pure gut feeling which is just a 50 / 50
+ emotionally sensitive so she's a great person to relay problems too because she's a good listener although her advice is another tbing . . .

- very obtuse to social cues and naive , she didn't go to public school and a lot of her interactions were with adults or others within S.H.I.E.L.D
- hand to hand combat , sure she has her abilities but besides how she doesn't like using it , her lack of sight means that she has to rely on sounds to fight which given the shorter reaction tome , she'd just not prefer
- not very academically intelligent , she's someone who's a slow learner and takes her time to internalise things before she can do them well . it's a good thing she didn't attend public school actually

 it's a good thing she didn't attend public school actually

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° was originally simply just a member of S.H.I.E.L.D who handled the admin work . she was taken in because of her abilities but since her disability made her powers a bit of a loose canon , she didn't officially become a hero until now
° she lost her sight in a car accident when she was a kid . it was a whole mess , her moms boyfriend turning out to be crazy and threatening her using daisy . wild stuff . she can laugh about it now but back then , it was really soul crushing . funnily enough , the accident was when she discovered her powers for the first time .
° very close with her mom who is also a member of S.H.I.E.L.D
° ironman was her hero and she has some signed stuff from him , courtesy of her mum , that she keeps in her room
° never had dreams of being a hero but when her powers revealed themself , she underwent training to keep them in check anyway . is kind of nervous about actually being a part of the team
° always wears sunglasses because she's insecure about how she may be looking or not looking at others

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