the age of dogs

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NAME • yang
MEANING • short for 太阳 (tai yang) which means sun . she was named as such due to her vibrant red fur
PRONUNCIATION • similar to "young"
AGE , GENDER • female , six
PACK RANK • hunter and part time lookout when necessary / lacking in manpower

VOICE • she has a deeper voice than many would expect and when she first wakes up in the morning there's usually a slight raspyness to it . when she's excited , her voice tends to rise an octave . she normally has a very soothing voice to listen to .
BREED • red merle border collie
FUR COLOUR • a light reddish-brown , a darker brown and white
EYE COLOUR • blue and brown ( merle coloured dogs are known for having heterochromia )
BUILD • lean and muscular . she was a working dog before everything happened + her breed was built for working
SCENT • like morning dew or the grass just after it's rained
SCARRING • she has multiple across her legs from various incidents but none that were life threatening
WOUND • none that are fresh
ACCESSORIES • a fitted dark blue colour
BASIC DESCRIPTION • a fluffy red merle collie with a right blue eyes and a left brown eye . she is easily recognisable with her dark blue collar

- emotional
- perfectionist
- stubborn
- arrogant

+ cheerful
+ friendly
+ determined
+ intelligent

• yang is an extremely cheerful and upbeat dog who gets along with pretty much everyone . she's like a little ball of sunshine ( fitting of her name ) that can cheer up a tense situation . she does have a bad habit of being overly-friendly which some may find annoying . she also has a bad habit of sticking to any dog she finds interesting even if they make it clear that they would much rather be alone . it's not that she's not aware , she's a border collie so she's naturually very intelligent and aware , she just doesn't really care . she hasn't been around many dogs in her life and so she gets excited meeting new dogs .
• yang enjoys being a hunter , it's a bit different than what she's used to since she never killed until arriving here but it's still similar enough . the first kill she did , she felt so bad about it that she couldn't eat for the entire day . she clearly is a bit on the emotional side so she's glad she's not one of the leaders . she thinks she would hate it too since she can be very hard on herself . she took a lot of pride in what she did previously and so became somewhat of a perfectionist and a narcissist .

NATURE • bubbly
DRIVE/MOTIVE • to find her family again


SPEED 9/10

SIGHT 9/10
SMELL 7/10

• she used to live on the farm with another older sheepdog , marley . she pretty much spent her entire life seperated from other dogs and humans besides her own family , happily herding sheep and frolicking around the larger pastures . she took a lot of pride in her work and since marley was older , she was naturually faster and better , making her gain an ego early on . she was particularly close to the daughter , lin , of the family who was in her early twenties when everything started . being a canine , she wasn't all that certain of what was happening , she just knew that everyone was stressed for a while and one day they packed up and left . she remembered lin crying and hugging her tightly , promising she would come back and to stay safe before she tearfully left in the truck . that was probably one of the saddest days for her , chasing after the van and barking loudly . she kept up for a while but eventually she was no match for the van and returned home sadly .

• her and the marley loyally protected the sheep for weeks , waiting like the loual sheepdogs they were but over time , marley grew more and more jaded and finally he snapped . as they were far away from human life , it took a long while for anything to really reach where they were so yang wasn't even aware of the parasites until much later on . at first , they finished all the dog food in the house , then all the food she could reach until she was starving and unsure of what to do . it went against everything she believed in but one by one , the farm animals like the chicken and cows had starved to death and she has to survive . to wait for her family .

marley was a bit braver . he strayed further from their house , sometimes insisting yang should join him and even telling her of the things he did find on his trips that would sometimes last days . one day he told her about an odd corpse he found along the highway , it smelled extremely foul and just looked . . . odd . she would later learn that it was probably one of the parasites many victims that had wandered far out trying to escape death . one day marley didn't return for days , much longer than his previous trips and when he did return , he wasn't the dog she remembered . he was mangled looking but even more so , he looked . . . wrong . he kept twitching oddly and he was drooling excessively but more than that , the way he looked at her was terrifying . the minute he caught sight of her he began to awkwardly amble after her . no matter how much she called out to him and reason with him , he was impossible to understand . she couldn't understand anything . why he had killed the sheep they had looked after their entire lives , why he was acting this way . and in her fear , she did what she did best . she ran .

ever since meeting marley in that state , she's been very jumpy of everything . anything that smells slightly off and she's heading in another direction . she doesn't drink water unless it's from a fresh puddle of rainwater (or she's just extremely desperate) . it's what let her survive until she met the pack

• marley - deceased
• lin - a human girl , unknown

• tba

• tba , it's not her priority but she prefers someone who is patient and intelligent

• na

• her thick fur keeps warm from cold


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