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NAME• evie lang

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• evie lang

• her name is short enough that everyone just calls her evie

• twenty two

• female

• 100% human

• she has brown hair and brown eyes , both of which she doesn't find particularly interesting . while at work , she usually has her hair tied up and if she's reading or writing reports for extended periods of time , she'll wear her glasses . she's taller than average and stands at around 5"5 / 168cm .

PERSONALITY[ friendly , observant , patient , hard-working , stubborn ]

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[ friendly , observant , patient , hard-working , stubborn ]

friendly || if anyone were asked to describe evie , they'd most probably describe her as friendly , bubbly and likable . she's the sort to initiate a conversation with a stranger just because and has enough charm to do it in a way that makes them like her . sure she might come off as a bit awkward at times but its the endearing sort of awkwardnesss that will worm its way into your heart

patient & observant || being a people pleaser , evie has grown to be both patient and observant so as to get a better understanding of those around her . both seem to work hand in hand as it is through her patience and so , watching first and acting later  that has led her to notice things others typically don't . it definitely helps in her line of work .

hard-working || evie lives by the idea that unlike those who have surrounded her her entire life , she's neither talented or special . her only talent would be how hardworking she is . she's committed herself to putting in 110% in everything she has does and relentlessly checking and checking every detail until she gets it correct . this can come at the cost of her sacrificing her own health etc in order to achieve her goals which then leads on to

stubborn || her biggest downfall . once she's set on something , she rarely changes her mind . usually she's pretty easy going and brushes past things she doesn't agree with so people don't expect her to be so stubborn in her ideologies , work ethic , opinions etc

+ sweet things such as chocolates , she's always had a sweet tooth since young
+ animals , she's always liked them although for some reason they never seen to like her
+ sunrise , she wakes up at the crack of dawn just to watch the sun rise on rough days ( sometimes she just stays up until 7am to watch the sun rise lol )
+ learning new things and meeting new people , she's always had an insatiable knowlexge for curiousity , it's why she decided to become a scientist after all
+ attention , but only positive attention

- when people dislike her , self explanatory
- when people question the way she thinks and tries to change / force her to do something she clearly does not want to do , again self explanatory
- cold weather , she just gets cold easily and is usually layered up
- ghosts , so she hates watching horror movies

• switch ! she doesn't have much sexual experience so she might lean more to a submissive role initially but will warm up over time / with experience and be more assertive if that is what her partner prefers
+ teasing her partner
+ being clearly desired by her partner ( body worship essentially )
+ heavy makeout sessions
+ leaving marks on her parter / having marks left on her
+ seeing her partner enjoying themselves
- when she's told her partner to stop and they refuse
- anything too paniful or disgusting
- threesomes

• only child raised by her grandmother after her mother died during childbirth and her father passed when she was five . luckily , money was not a huge issue for them given her fathers successful business and her grandmothers rich ancestory
• her favourite colour is red
• is near sighted so wears glasses only when she's reading
• has a sweet singing voice . not a world class singer level but soothing and lovely enough to the ears that many would enjoy listening to her
• she enjoys running on her off days


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