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❝ i'm still a believer but i don't know why , i've never been a natural , all i do is try try try ❞


一 evangeline carmine

一 eva ,, most people call her this for obvious reasons
一 angel ,, this is reserved exclusively for her mother . actually she calls her " my sweet little angel " but that us both too much of a handful and too embarrassing for anyone else to call her .

一 female

一 questioning ? eva has only seen heterosexual couples in her life and the education of the era only catered to the norm so eva has always thought of herself the same . she finds males as interesting as any other girl her age but she has long since priortised other things ( she could really go on about what other things she'd prefer to do more like study for a test , write a paper , spend time with her friends . she's often lamented about how her friends have stopped hanging out with her once they find a boyfriend and she refuses to be the same thing she complains about ) instead of chasing after a momentary fascination . although sometimes she catches herself staring at a pretty girl , the way she smiles in the sunlight or after scoring well on a test when she thinks no one is watching . but she would always brush it off as a momentarily fascination before moving on .

一 changes throughout the years ( eleven - seventeen )

一 ten july 1962 ( cancer )

一 british

一 white british

EDUCATION一 a student at oakham castle school

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一 a student at oakham castle school .

year seven ,, is a lot quieter than usual ( a new school is always terrifying ) glad that she has someone she recognises . sticks to johnny crook . has always won first place every year and does not plan on ruining her streak . it is not ruined . raises her hand so much that teachers try not to call on her to " give others a chance " . she thinks that's bollocks . tries out volleyball and likes it . not very good at it unfortunately . her knees are constantly bruised . meets sophia and decides she likes her . meets paulina and paulina decides she likes them . sends a lot of letters home . only the one about her grades gets a reply . spends a lot of time with her friends . they try to brainstorm names for their group but they all sound to childish . some git called james pours chocolate syrup down her haid and tells her her hair looks prettier now . she nearly shoves him ( when miss mccarthy gives him detention , she couldn't resist making a face at him ) . thinks school is pretty fun

year eight ,, visited johnny's a lot over summer . thinks food fights are a huge waste of food . gets used to the signs of one starting and leaving before the mess . takes volleyball seriously . meets meredith and likes her immediately . more friendly . she laughs at everything . celebrates sophia's birthday . they stay out past midnight lying by the lake counting the stars . she wins only because she knows all the major constellations by heart . gets her first detention for getting caught sneaking in after curfew . thinks its worth it . after the phone call from her parents , maybe less so . they give her a book of her favourite poets for her birthday . she cries a lot . wins first place again . sophia thinks she has magic for that . paulina thinks sophia is dumb . thinks school might be her favourite place

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