blood and sweat

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NAME• nikolai hart

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• nikolai hart

• his close friends call him niko
• but most people refer to him as "boss" , "sir" or simply , "the one who runs the colesseum"

• not many know his age exactly because he doesn't like talking about birthdays + he looks younger than he actually appears to be due to his features . he's actually 26 but many think he's around 22

• he's experimented with both men and women but finds that men get him going more and not just any men but large buff men that cry before him . he never said he was a good person

• male and he's never wished otherwise

• human ? honestly he's not quite sure , his fathers side is definitely human but he has some speculation that his mother's side might not be . it's one thing he's desperately searching answers for

• in compairson to his grandiose title , niko isn't a very large man , it's actually the opposite . he stands at around 5"7 / 171cm but is on the leaner side with not that much muscle of his own . he blames this on his childhood since he was starved a lot growing up so he believes that the lack of nutrients stunted his growth a bit . growing up , he used to hate how dark his skin tone was because he would be compared to his mother in a disgusted tone but since then he's grown to appreciate both his darker hair and skin tone . he isn't sure if he inherited any of his mother's traits though since he has no photos of her but there's no denying he's his father's son . with bright blue eyes that everyone ins his family possesses along with the same sharp features , he's clearly a member of the hart family . just like them , he has sharp almond shape eyes and high cheekbones that give him a feline look .
• his arms and legs are devoid of any scars but his back is full of raised bumps and keloids thay never healed properly . most prominently would be a deep gash along his right face that extends past his eye . he nearly went blind from that and although he recovered , his right eye was never really the same . his palms are also hard from old callouses .
• after leaving his family , he grew his hair out so now it falls to just past his shoulders . he often ties it up in a low ponytail .

• he has expensive taste and often dresses like he wants the whole world to know of his wealth . he often wears a cloak , purple is his favourite colour along with deep blues , on top of pants and a shirt . he dresses nice but always ensures he can move freely in them . most of his item have some sort of gold trim or jewels sewn into them .
• as his job requires some level of secrecy for his own protection , he wears a black mask that covers his entire upper face

 • as his job requires some level of secrecy for his own protection , he wears a black mask that covers his entire upper face

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SCENT• niko always smells "clean" which really just means he smells of soap and nothing else

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• niko always smells "clean" which really just means he smells of soap and nothing else . he's very particular about scents since he can't find any scent he likes , he'd much rather have his items be scent-less .

• cheerful , charismatic , overly-friendly , curious , independent , selfish , angry
>> niko has gained a sort of reputation for himself amongst the colesseum frequenters as being one of the most charming owners to exist . before him , everyone had the whole "mysterious" and "cruel" persona going on which worked for a while but with the colosseum falling in popularity he decided it was time to change the route . it helps that he is already rather charismatic , being able to get others to laugh even in a stressful situation and just get them to open up without realising it . he can come off as overly friendly and warm which similarly has more advantages than disadvantages with the latter namely coming across as being flirtatious but that isn't something he hates either .
>> niko would label himself as a person with many "deep curiosities" and is "passionate to learn more about the world" but his friends would just call him a hoarder. a very obsessive hoarder. probably due to his childhood of not having anything to call his , he's now grown into someone who enjoys collecting beautiful antiques because he can . particularly he has an interest in magical items . he also has a deep curiosity (obssession) with finding out more about his mothers past but that's proven difficult to find . this obssession doesn't just refer to objects , they extend to animals , plants and even other people although that is quite rare . with people , he tends to be possessive of his current lover for a short while but grows bored of them after some time and then lets them go .
>> that being said , he still is the owner of the colosseum and he didn't get here just through luck and "being a good person" . no , he clawed his way up here and did whatever he could to ensure that he could survive . he's very determined and once he has his mind set on something he rarely changes it and he has a lot of unresolved bitterness and anger inside of them that when fanned , will cause him to explode . he's not afraid to partake in cruel acts if its whats needed and at this point , he's seen so many deaths , including people he's personally killed , that it's a miracle he can even sleep at night .

• the new owner of the colosseum . he receieved this position one year ago when the previous owner died and left him in charge

+ very quick-witted and intelligent
+ observant

- very particular to steong scents , gets a headache if it's too much
- poor sense of direction
- he gets very touchy when his past is brought up

+ shiny/magical items
+ the winter , he takes cold very well
+ being praised for his looks

- people who cling on to him after being discarded
- loud and obnoxious people
- being told what to do

• many have noted how observant niko is , almost as if he can read their minds . that is not true but he can do something similar . he's able to feel the emotions of those around him and can only shut it out if he concentrates . he believed this was something everyone could do for the longest time until he was older . it's also why he wants to find out more about his mothers roots

• mother ( unknown , deceased )
• father ( kevin hart , alive )
• half brother ( - , alive )
• half brother ( - , alive )
• half brother ( - , alive )
• half sister ( - , alive )
• half sister ( - , alive )
the rest are unknown..

• is the illegitimate child of the hart family and was therefore treated as a disgrace growing up
• stronger than he appears to be so he can take enemies off guard
• doesn't tell people that he's pretty much half blind
• has two close friends (leo veritz and juniper lee) , both of whom help him run the colosseum as his right hand men
• the hart family's crest was of a black panther
• has currently come into possession of a very sought after and powerful jewel that has put him into quite some danger but he refuses to give it up , this had led leo to convince him to try and find a bodyguard to protect him for the timebeing

• sure


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