the hero

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° norang
>> it mean yellow in korea and it was given to him because of the colour of his hair

° yellow pickled radishes - it's a joke that he's referred to as one because of his hair colour and his love for pickled radishes
° other than that he doesn't really have a nickname since his name's already pretty short

° male

° mixed korean ,, he's unsure what he's mixed with since he can barely remember his mother and never met his father

° depending on where we start i'll probably just say around the same age as your oc !!

一  5"8 / 176cm , short golden hair , pale skin ( he hates how easily he burns in the sun ) , dark brown eyes ( i know they're different from the pic but he fits what i imagine in my head akdbjwa ) , plenty of scars across his arms , torso and pretty much everywhere , super calloused hands from wielding a blade , a birthmark on his torso in the shape of a deformed heart

APPEARANCE一  5"8 / 176cm , short golden hair , pale skin ( he hates how easily he burns in the sun ) , dark brown eyes ( i know they're different from the pic but he fits what i imagine in my head akdbjwa ) , plenty of scars across his arms , tors...

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[ friendly , hardworking , willing to please his superiors , optimistic , kind , patient ]
°  norang has been described as a cheerful stray puppy multiple times in his life . no matter how many times he gets hit with the unfairness of life , he can always find an optimistic way of viewing things . he's friendly and sometimes too kind , always doing his best to look out for those who aren't able to . norang strongly believes that with hard work , one day he will be able to be accepted by one of the factions and be able to help others just like him . that being said , he isn't entirely naive given his upbringing on the streets . he knows that sometimes tough decisions have to be made . it doesn't mean he still doesn't take them to heart and won't cry about it later onwards

[ much quieter , more calculative , more paranoid and more lonely ]
° the incident changed his perception on life and the world permanently . he began doubting himself a lot more and withdrawing from those that were once close to him . no longer was he the optimistic boy who tried to do good for everyone but someone who carefully weighed the costs and benefits for the optimific outcome . he struggles with sleeping at night and constantly fears that those around him will see through him and see him as a cruel person instead of the kind person he tries to be . what onfne came naturual to him is now something he feels is a facade and so its like a cycle where he just makes himself even lonelier . to the rest of the faction and his subordinates , he actually is a kind and generous superior even if he is a bit cold and rarely shows his emotions . it's only him that fears he will eventually be seen through .

+ yong saeng ,, he thinks yong might be the coolest person in the world . he's always willing to be there for the other and help him in anyway he can
+ books ,, a kind merchant taught him the basics of reading and writing when he was in the town norang was in and since then norang has been obssessed with words and how they can string into sentences .
+ sunrise ,, he loves watching the world come to life with people slowly waking up and birds singing

- hot days ,, he naturually runs warm and hates hot days
- overly sweet things ,, it was a luxury he didn't have when he was younger and so never developed the taste for it
-  insects ,, he's not scared of them , he just finds insects like cockroaches and flies disgusting because they're carriers of disease
- snakes ,, he is very much scared of them

+ he's very hardworking . what he lacks in talent , he makes up for with sheer hardwork . this means that he's rather well rounded even if not particularly extraordinary in anything .

- yong saeng , yong saeng , yong saeng

° he wakes up at the crack of dawn and usually can't fall aslee after that . after the incident , he struggles with even falling asleep
° he likes writing about his day in a book . it was an exercise he did in the past to improve his penmanship and reading abilities but eventually became a habit . after the incident , he continued writing but his daily logs took the form of letters

° well versed in how to use a sword
° well liked by most he neets , he's rather charismatic

° he was born to a very poor family in which it was just him and his mother . she worked extremely hard to make ends meet but eventually fell ill one winter and passed away in her sleep . his memories of her are vague but he knows he only survived through sheer luck and the occassional kindness from neighbours and passing merchants . he thinks the luckiest and best day of his life was when he met yong saeng . since then the two have been stuck like in glue . like many others , he believed that yong saeng was destined for greatness but never really envied the other . he only felt lucky he could watch his asecnd . while he never voiced it out loud , it was clear his affections ran more than just out of friendship . he loved yong saeng with all his heart and for that he paid a price .

through his own hardwork and teaching from yong saeng , he grew better at swordsmanship and was accepted by one of the top factions as a lowly member . during this time , his time with yong saeng decreased and by the time it really hit him that yong saeng had grown to be feared for his cruelty , it was too late . in order to make up for his own negligence , he agreed to help his faction leader and the divine celestials lure yong saeng and seal him up permanently . he never stopped having nightmares about it .

° well respected within the faction and has the potential of rising to be one of the top leaders within it
° has picked up smoking tobacco to calm his nerves
° despite being well sought after , he has never gotten a lover . sure he has slept with a few when the nights grew too lonely but its a common rumour that he has never gotten over his first love
° always carries a jade bracelet around his wrist , its unknown where it came from


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