Diary 1

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Dear Diary,

Today wasn't so bad apart from my laptop being stolen and my teacher yelling at me for something my peers did, it was a pretty cool day.
University has had to be so hard for no reason, I was supposed to finish a few years ago but my scholarship and money ran out so I couldn't.

I still think of him everyday, I can't help it. He doesn't erase from my mind he probably never will. And I hate that.

Why was I such a fool for believing that he loved and wanted me? Was I really that dumb and blind?

I hate him for that

Anyways the weather was atrocious today I mean I like the stormy weather and all but I wasn't able to do anything but stay inside.

I could've called him...no he wouldn't have answered either way.

I could've called one of his best friends though.
Nah I'm just messing around.

Though they are hot.


It was my fault

Anyways that's enough from notes, goodnight my bestfriend.

I'll write more reasons tomorrow.


Yeah so Lebanon has me crazy, might aswell write this as jts been in my mind

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