The Maraj-Knowles' 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦

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BEYNIKA (family fic)

The Maraj-Knowles'

The Maraj-Knowles'

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Nine years ago the couple got married on an island in the Caribbean after 5 years of dating prior to that. They decided on having a baby after their second anniversary. They used Onika's eggs and a sperm donor that could pass as a male version of Beyoncé to have their Babygirl.

They brought Sanai Blake into the world just in time for their third anniversary and the couple were both elated. However their happiness was short lived when Sanai failed her first hearing test.

Then the second one.

Then the third one.

Their baby is born hard of hearing in both ears, which means she can't hear completely and is reliant on hearing aids. Without them she can't hear anything below a yell.

As mothers they were worried about how it would affect their daughter day to day but as they raised her and guided her through life they knew that Sanai would be just fine.

Now Sanai is 6 years old and going into 1st grade at a public school. As great as it was to homeschool their daughter they wanted to socialize her this year.

Sanai loves public school and has made friends. After the first two weeks of school, the little girl got moved to the gifted program with a high chance of skipping a grade. Nicki is proud to see her intelligent girl triumphing and her worry subsided.

Since Sanai's birthday is approaching, Nicki sent the little girl to school with some invitations for everyone in her class. She sits at the car rider line eager to see her Babygirl to see if she knows who'll be showing up.

Beyoncé's voice is heard through the speakers of the car as they are calling eachother during Beyoncé's lunch break. Beyoncé is a great lawyer in New York and is never without a client. Nicki is a writer for rappers and other musicians. She wants to be a full time mom, so as much as she planned to, she decided it was best to stay out of the limelight.

She's giggling on the line with Beyoncé until she sees her daughter stomping to the car and opening it aggressively with a frown.

"What's wrong?" Nicki signs to her daughter.

Their daughter can speak normally, but is more comfortable signing.

Sanai sits in the seat and pouts looking out the window.

"Sanai, I am not gonna pull out of the school parking lot until you tell me what's going on, honey b."

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