Lo 🫠

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Nicki Minaj x Lauren London



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Onika sighed as she sat in her hotel room. She broke up with her boyfriend about a month ago and she still isn't over it. Rahmeek. They'd dated since junior year and a few months after she graduated with her nursing degree and certification he'd decided to show out. Just took a 180. Then he cheated.

Onika's friends decided to plan a girls trip after another friend in the group became single. It was planned for the sole goal of getting them to get their mind off of their exes.

However Onika was tired of walking around and shopping during the day and didn't feel like going to a club. She'd opted to stay at the hotel and watch tv and order some seafood and watch white chicks.

She called from the phone in the hotel room and ordered the food before she stopped into the shower. She exited, removing the plastic shower cap from her head, letting her long curls flow back down her back and tickle her bare skin as she put on some underwear and put on some lotions and it her robe on, tying it in the front.

She washed her face gently.

She made sure not to miss a single spot.

By the time she moved to dab herself off, there was a knock on the door and Onika could smell the food and was excited to receive it.

She opened the door tentatively and the older man, the server wheeled in a cart with the entire lobster dish and lifted the lid and poured some sauce on it. He also pours out Onika's whine and sets the bottle back in the ice bucket.

He gave Onika a sweet yellow smile and Onika smiled back.

"Hope you enjoy young lady, call the same number if you need or want anything."

He walks back out with a robot hunched over position. Onika feels insanely bad that he's busting his ass at this job at such an age and makes up in her mind that she'll tip him generously.

Onika recieved another knock at the door and moves to open in case he maybe forgot something.

No. Instead it's a clearly drunk woman her age.

"Hey, Vic why didn't you come get me?" She chuckles and wipes some blood from under her nose.

Onika is horrified but doesn't close the door on this random woman. The stranger. She doesn't know whether or not to call the cops.

She instead grabs her hand and helps her up.

"Oh you're not Vic." The woman mumbles, coming a bit to her senses.

Onika smells the faint hookah and alcohol on her breath. Okay, it's not faint it's obvious.

"Yeah, but I can get you a drink of water and help with your nose."

The woman looks as though she's contemplating with herself. She has her arms crossed for warmth.

"Come on in."

Onika, she could be a part of an abduction scheme! She gone kill yo ass! Who knows what she's into or what she's on! What if she does and you go to jail because they think you did something to her??? Don't do this!

Onika ignores the little voice in her head and helps the woman in, opening and locking the door behind her.

She offers her a water bottle and goes to the bathroom and finds a spare hand towel and dampens it up with water.

She gets this woman to sit and dabs under her nose gently.

"You fall? Get hit or punched?"

"Fell. Security didn't even bother to catch a bitch."


She winces as she dabs away the blood. The swelling isn't too bad so it's not broken, but it does hurt and the tears coming down Lauren's eyes as she sniffles gives that away.


"Don't apologize." Onika says and offers her a smile for reassurance.

Now that she's got most of her blood off she pulls back and takes a good look at her.

She's gorgeous, Nicki accidentally smudged some of her makeup but she's such a pretty woman.

She's got dimples similar to Nicki's that show up prominently when she begins nibbling on the inside of her cheek.

Onika wipes away the tears.

"Think you need ibuprofen?"

"No, I'm sure it'll fizzle down in a couple." The other woman's says gratefully.

"Sure? What's your name?"


"Lauren. Mines Onika. You can call me Nicki though."

"Onika, okay." Lauren says as she lets the name roll off her tongue.

"You Ike seafood? You hungry?" Onika asks as she gets a glimpse of her food. It looks like a four course meal and she doubts she'll finish it all.

"Yeah, a little."

Lauren's sitting on the bed already, disheveled in her glittery club dress.

Onika moves her hair to the side.

"Eat whatever you want imma wash my hands and throw this out Ight?" Onika says with a smile as she has to stop herself from letting her eyes wander.

"Alright, thank you Onika, really."

The alcohol plus pain has Lauren delirious, especially when she looks up and the lights nearly blind her.

Onika returns and offers her another water bottle. She goes ahead and moves the wine away. It doesn't look like Lauren needs any more.

"You staying at this hotel?"


"What floor?"

"This one. But I forgot what the door number is."

"You came here alone?"

"Yeah actually."


Lauren shrugs, the truth clouding into her mind, almost making her absolutely sick.

Lauren's story of origin: a few weeks before she got to sitting at this Miami hotel, she had had a horrible fight with family over harmful family secrets that finally got let out of the box. Chaos. Lauren couldn't look at many of them the same. Since she's still in college she couldn't afford to get too far away. She went from Tampa to Miami for a good spring break vacation.

She's alone and thankfully she bumped into Onika and no one who could've seriously been dangerous.

"Wanna hug?" Onika can pretty much tell from Lauren's shift in mood.

She sits on the bed with her and snakes her arm around her shoulder, taking the other woman into and embrace. Lauren leans onto her side and looks up into Onika's eyes.

She can see Onika's facial features fairly well.

Onika admires the contact between them since she broke up with Rahmeek it's been a while. Even her friends don't hug her like this so she appreciates it. The both of them needed this.

"Spend the night here please?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah. They're party girls, they won't be back until 4 in the morning."


Onika chuckles. "Word." She says. "Make yourself comfortable.


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