VIII Noticed?

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(Includes tiny Mammon angst)

Mammon woke up on a Tuesday after his alarm went off, feeling very fresh and easy-going. "Today will be great." He thought, getting out of bed stretching a bit. He went to his bathroom, a blank but nice small room. "Where is my toothbrush.." he mumbled. Mammon was feeling very confused "I swear it was right here." He spoke. Then he noticed.

Blood. The crimson liquid trailing from his bed to the bathroom to his arms and back. The rope cuts from a week ago had been re-opened in his sleep.

"Mammon!" Someone called from outside. It was Mc. "Lucifer wants you to hurry and get downstairs.!"
Alright I'm comin'!"

He waited until he heard footsteps fade and sighed. So close. Now all he had to do was clean the mess up, how though?

"Reminder Mammon, always keep paper towels or wipes in your room." A good reminder just in case something like this happens again.

Lucky for Mammon he had cotton balls and rubbing  alcohol. "You can do this Mammon." He told himself. "It only hurts for a second"

He only had about four cotton balls and less than half a bottle of a pint of alcohol left. Mammon took the top of the alcohol off.  And with one of the cotton balls he put it at the top, poured some of the alcohol on and rubbed it all around his wounds.

It stung. "You have long sleeves Mammon." He chuckled. "Looks like one thing came your way today." Mammon winced when the pain came back.

The realization hit him. "Oh my Diavolo!" He yelled. "I'm gonna be late!" Sure enough, he brushed his teeth, ignored the blood for the time being, slid his clothes on. In a flash he rushed for the table.

"What took you so long?" Lucifer asked. "Just uh, bathroom troubles." Mammon replied.

"TMI (Too much information) Mammon! TMI!" Asmodeus chimed. "Lol! Yeah,TMI." Levi agreed.

"Mammon I ate your food, sorry.." A ginger admitted as Mammon sat down. "I wasn't hungry anyways Beel." Beel continued stuffing his mouth and nodded as if saying "Okay then".

"Hey Mammon-" Lucifer was about to finish when

*knock knock*

"That is my cue." Mammon sat up and pretty much ran to the door. "There you guys are it has felt like forever!" Mammon said to the angels on the other side of the door.

There was laughter and the door shutting. Lucifer just stared at the closed door.

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