Ch 2

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Author pov

"Hey... What happened" gulf asked going towards the other side of bed where the person was there. When he went, he saw the boy curling up into a ball and moving to the corner of the wall.

" Are you scared...??" Gulf asked maintaining some distance from the boy seeing scared expression of him.

" I will not do anything dear... Come out... You are not well... You should eat and take rest properly" gulf said but the boy just hide himself and puffed his face inside.

Gulf slowly walked to the boy without making any sound. He patted the boy's head who flinched at the sudden touch making him curl more.

" Look up dear... I won't do anything...see here " gulf said in a assuring tone making the boy peek up to see a smiling gulf.

" Yep like that... Come out now fully" gulf said making the boy look at gulf totally blinking his eyes cutely making gulf giggle at his cuteness... The boy looked more curious hearing gulf's giggles.

"The doctor only treated your wounds... Let me clean your face properly... Come " gulf said standing up but the boy was just looking at gulf tilting his head. Gulf gave the hand boy but the boy was only looking between the hand and gulf's face alternatively.

"Come..." Gulf said motioning his hand to stand up making the boy slowly and timidly put his tiny hand in gulf's hand and tried to stand up but gulf pulled him up slowly making the boy widen his eyes.

" Why are you looking so shocked... Come on " gulf said ruffling boy's hair making the boy again blink his eyes and his other hand went to his own hair where gulf ruffled.

Gulf took him to washroom by holding his hand where the boy is looking only at their hands.

"Sit here " gulf said tapping bathroom counter but the boy just looked at him making gulf sigh.

"Are you not understanding my Language or what ??" He said shaking his head when the boy didn't respond making him lift the boy up and place on the counter making him startle but relaxed after making him sit. Till now gulf didn't hear single word or even a single sound from the boy's mouth.

Gulf took a towel and soaked it into the warm water and started cleaning boy's face. The boy flinched once wet towel touch his face.

"Oh..oh.. it doesn't hurt you... I am just cleaning you..." Gulf said holding the boy's face from moving back as the boy was going back when he was about to keep the towel. Gulf cleaned the boy's face properly. He was awe struck in his place seeing the boy face.

"Wowwww... You look so beautiful dear..." Gulf said but only got curious eyes blinking at him making me sigh and shake his head.

"Let me clean you first and then let me find out which language you know " gulf mumbled and cleaned the boy's legs and hands.

" I want to ask you to take bath but I don't know in which language I have to tell " gulf said after cleaning the boy and again sighed when the boy was only looking at him. He lifted the boy and placed him down and took him to the bed holding his hand and made him sit on the bed.

" I will bring food for you... So you can eat and then you can take bath and change into different clothes... Your clothes look old and dirty" gulf said and stood up going out of the room but he felt someone behind him making him look back to see the boy following him.

"Just sit there... I will be back in few minutes" gulf said pointing at bed but the boy looked at bed where gulf is pointing and again looked back at gulf without saying anything.

"Oh my goddd.... This is so hard " gulf groaned taking boy's hand again and made him sit on the bed.

"Don't move " gulf said showing his finger and again turned back to go to the kitchen but the boy was again following him. This was repeated 4-5 times making gulf groan and give up and didn't stop the boy this time who is again following him to the kitchen.

Gulf went towards refrigerator and took the food made by maids and heated them in the oven with the boy following him and looking at the all the things curiously.

Gulf is thinking... That even if the boy doesn't his language he should speak some other language asking something but the boy doesn't utter a sound from his mouth till now. He was looking at the boy who is looking at the oven without blinking his eyes and jumped back with wide eyes when he heard the sound from oven and looked at gulf with same eyes making gulf smile by his cute actions.

"It's done " gulf said and as usual the boy was just looking at him without saying anything.

"Is he dumb and mute ??" Gulf mumbled to himself and turned to the boy. He tried speaking in sign language which he learnt in his childhood but sighed again when he didn't get any response from the boy. He ruffled his hair harshly and turned to take the plate from the oven and went to sit on the dining table. The boy who was following stand beside his chair making gulf look up at him with a raised eyebrows.

"Sit" he said but the boy tilted his head looking at gulf. Gulf took deep breath and stood up making the boy sit on the chair.

He also sat on the chair and started eating and he felt the boy is staring at him making him look up to see the boy looking at him without touching anything.

"Eat..." Gulf said but no response. Gulf showed him with hand but no response.

"Ahhh... Please talk something or do something or atleast make some sound..
I am gonna cryyyy if you go on do like this only looking at me and not saying anything" gulf whined but the boy was looking at him. Gulf turned his face to take a breath the boy also turned the face to which gulf turned. His eyes widened seeing the photo hanging there. He immediately got up making gulf shock with the sudden action.

"What happened..??" Gulf asked but the boy run to the photo.

"Grapa" He muttered seeing the man in the photo


Hehe... Oh my boy..!!🤭

How is the chapter guys? Let me know in the comments 😅😅

Meet you in the next chapter ❤️❤️

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