17 - Internalize You

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My love for you is far
beyond our reality.
That is why I have decided
to let it stay in my imagination.

These vivid thoughts of you
are heavy on my eyes.
But not as a burden; they are
refilling my fuel for life.

My ears are eager for your
lips to utter "I love you",
My heart is screaming for the
the moment I internalize you.

My soul is waiting on God to
say "Be" and you're it.
I know we met just recently,
but it's like our hearts were

attached by an invisible string.
Slowly pulling us towards each
other, making us win.

But both our sorrows are heavily
trapped within.
Lessons from them are many like
the leaves picked up by the wind.

So I get it; I may get hurt and wait
yet another century until

another one of you comes to rule
my heart in.

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