18 - Euphoria

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Somewhere between my veins
and my blood,

There is an engraving of your

It was simply a small wish that
has now manifested itself as

something mundane.
It is devilish since your

presence makes this feeling
turn into euphoria.

But your absence turns this
emotion into misery.

How ironic though, you show
this version of yourself to

everyone. But you make it feel
like you have curated your

persona only for me. Like how
the honey only comes out

of the bee. I am amazed! What
a great performer you are!

But ask yourself this: shouldn't
you stop?

Stopping yourself from giving
away this sweetheart of a persona
to all?

It seems beyond your
comprehension that this persona

of yours is driving this sincere
heart appalled.

But if you truly don't want me,

How can you pretend like you're so
in need of me?

Then, stop. You should not plant
the seeds of love in me.

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