35 - Homecoming

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Ah, finally.

Finally, I lost the last ash off of my skin.

It was burnt amber that had a scent only lasting until it was met with difficulty.

It burnt long ago but was stuck on me till today.
Finally, I am free of this melancholic color.

God decided to cleanse me of what I thought to be sweet nectar from this tree called life.
But this was a bitter taste blinding my eyes with honey.

But for some reason, it feels as though it was part of me.
It was stuck on me for so long, "maybe", I thought, "this is part of me."

The one in whose eyes I see myself loving someone, has far gone beyond me.
I do not demand much, God; I just wished her.

Ah, and here I thought I could finally love again.

I wished her. Just her.

But I am back to this place,
I have come home again,

to this feeling of emptiness.

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