Chapter 4

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Spamton found himself walking home with Indy. He was carrying his leftovers home, along with everyone else's; a couple very full take-out boxes wrapped up in a bag. They all thought he could use the food more than them. They weren't exactly doing well off either, what with how they had helped Spamton get an apartment to start with. Even so, Spamton was very grateful for the gesture. Indy grinned down at him, walking down the road that led to his home.

"You know, you really are quite charming." Indy blurted, catching Spamton by surprise as he looked up at him. The blue Addison's expression was so calm, he was hard to read. Spamton cleared his throat, bashful for what seemed like the tenth time that night.

"R-Really?" The pale Addison squeaked out. Indy chuckles at his friend's response, patting him on the shoulder.

"Swatch wouldn't have complimented you if you weren't. They liked your energy, but uh... Tone it down if you do that in the cafe again. Too much and they'll be more concerned about you disturbing the other customers. Wouldn't want to be kicked out, or worse, banned." Indy explains, taking his hand from his friend's shoulder. Spamton swallows, nodding vigorously.

"Right! Right..." He makes a mental note of this, taking cautious steps forward to make sure he wouldn't trip. The large paper bag in his hands wasn't exactly making it easy to see the ground in front of him. He was too short to carry it by the handles, so he had to hold it by the bottom. Indy hums, peeking down at his short friend again.

"Do you want to be taller? I can't imagine it's very convenient being of such a short stature." The blue Addison muses, and Spamton sighs softly at the reminder. He thought for a moment, shaking his head.

"No. Not really. Being tall would be great, sure- but I think then I'd have the problem of bumping my head on things. I don't have to worry about that at my height. Aside from that, I'll pay less for clothes, food, amongst other things." He explains, carefully stepping over a curb and continuing on. Indy nods in agreement, listening as his friend went on. "I'm also the perfect height to play the part of a mascot! Think about a wider demographic, kids love mascots, and studies show that adults like them too. So, I think I'm perfectly fine just the way I am!" Spamton explains, gasping as he stumbles over a crack in the street. Indy catches him by the back of his jacket, pulling him back to balance. The white Addison let out a soft sigh of relief, walking up to their door.

"Though it would be nice to have a few extra inches..." Spamton admits reluctantly, setting the bag down and taking his key out of his pocket. He looked at the lock with dread, knowing what was waiting on the other side. He swallowed thickly, arming himself with his flashlight before sliding the key into the lock and turning it. He could picture himself in a pitch black arena, wielding his flashlight like a sword to banish the dark into a corner. He clicked on the flashlight, turning the knob and pushing the door open. He took a deep breath, looking into his apartment. The beam of his flashlight was shaking, making Indy take notice of the paranoid salesman. The blue Addison could see the look of petrified horror on Spamton's face, his eyes wide as a bead of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Whoa..." Indy muttered, quickly leaning into the doorway and flicking the light switch, lighting the home with a flicker. Spamton sighed with relief, clicking his flashlight off and tucking it into his pocket before picking up the bag of pasta and heading inside. Indy tilted his head, standing in the doorway as he watched his friend walk to the kitchen. This is going to stay an unspoken secret between us, that I'm afraid of the darkness inside my own home. It felt even more petrifying than the shadows in the various alleys nearby. Unavoidable. Seeping into the back of my mind while I tried to focus on other things. There was no escaping it. Eventually, the lights had to be turned off.

"Thanks for giving me all these leftovers, I won't be going hungry for a while!" The little salesman chimed happily, opening his fridge and tucking the boxes away. Indy nods slowly, leaning against the doorway as he watched Spamton fold up the bag and tuck it away into an empty cabinet. "What's on your mind? You're real quiet." Spamton mused, looking over at the blue Addison curiously. Indy sighs, chewing his lip for a moment. Finally he admits what he had been wanting to propose.

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