Chapter 12

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Spamton was asleep, curled up in bed peacefully. His mind was only quiet when he slept, he didn't dream about anything. At least, he hadn't yet. He'd heard the other Addisons talk about their dreams, but they were somewhat surprised to know that he didn't. Was it really that unusual? I mean, I'd only been around for a little while. Maybe I would have one soon. Today was not one of those days, but there was something else happening today that the little salesman was incredibly excited for. He had pulled the stool with the phone a bit closer to his bed, that way he could just roll over and snatch up the phone when it rang.

The sharp chiming of the phone rang out, immediately shaking Spamton from his sleep. He sat bolt upright, yelping as he got tangled in his sheets. He growled, thrashing to try and shake them off as he made a blind lunge for the phone. The feeling of falling suddenly leapt into his chest, making him desperately reach for something. He catches himself from falling off the bed, latching onto the stool in the dark. He snatched up the phone, fumbling with it as he pressed it to his ear. Would a fall from this bed kill me? Not sure, but I don't want to find out.

"Hello? Mike?" Spamton asked with a huff, his heart pounding from the struggle a second ago. Mike chuckled on the other end of the phone, sounding amused.

"Ya alright? You sound like you ran a few blocks." The car salesman said softly. Spamton chuckles softly, assessing his current situation. I was leaning over my bed, holding onto the stool for dear life while I held the phone with my free hand. I could come crashing down at anytime if this stool decided to tilt. I prayed to heaven that I would remain stable until the end of the call.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just woke up, phone startled me is all. It's loud." Spamton explains honestly, making Mike laugh again. Spamton wondered what they were going to talk about, and thankfully he didn't have to wait long to find out.

"Heh, I see. I called because I was thinkin' about our little arrangement... No issues with it, but I wanna see what kinda ads you have planned for our business. Gotta have someone review your work, y'know?" Mike explains. Spamton hums, thinking for a moment. That would probably be for the best. I need to go what works off of others perceptions of ads. Chances are, if one person likes my ads, others will too.

"Makes sense to me. So then you want to meet up? Er... You have a storefront right?" Spamton asks, hoping that it was somewhere in a good part of town. But with his first impression of Mike, he had a feeling it wasn't in the safest place. Mike hums in agreement, his voice a little muffled as if he was eating something.

"Yup. I'm on Mail Rd, next to Recycle Bin blvd. Can't miss it. Not the worst part of town. Honestly the location is the only reason our business hasn't drowned yet. Just enough sales to keep it's head above water. Needless to say, I'm a little desperate for help. You came in at the perfect time, my friend." The car salesman explains. Spamton chuckles, shaking his head.

"Same here, I need to pay my rent!" He laughed dryly. They both had a moment to chuckle, though it quickly faded. It was a rather depressing topic to laugh about. Either way, we had each other to look after now. I couldn't help but wonder what Mike looked like... Guess I would find out today. "Anyway, I'll come by now. I don't have anything better to do." The pale Addison says curtly, wanting to get things moving as soon as possible. Mike took a sip from a bottle, making the little Addison frown. Jeez, is he always drinking? Hope it isn't booze... No wonder he needs someone else to be the face of his company. Er- our company.

Speaking of which, it's really nice that he's already calling it our company. We only made the deal yesterday, but he seriously thinks of me as his partner. It's... It's really nice to feel so important.

"Great! We'll go over our visions for the company when you get here. I'm sure that'll help. I'll see you in a bit Spamton." The car salesman bid his farewell and then hung up. The little salesman hums, chewing his lip.  better work with him on how to end phone calls... Ah well, who cares! I'm about to blow his mind with what I have planned! He freezes as the stool began to tilt, his feet starting to slip off the bed.

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