Chapter 11

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Spamton held his head high as he walked into the Queen's mansion, admiring the intimidating halls and pristine decor. While he approached the cafe, he suddenly took notice of a towering statue depicting the Queen at the back of the room, just between the stairways. It towered so high that it reached far above the observable ceiling. Spamton imagined that the rest would be more visible a few floors up. For now though, the sight of the Queen's luxurious legs was pleasing enough. Even if they are made of marble.

He shook himself away from the thought, heading for the pink-lit door that lured customers in. Spamton had to admit, Swatch and whoever else had designed this place had done lovely job. It was incredibly regal, inspiring. A little extra color for my outfit probably wouldn't hurt. Draw in the eye a smidge a more. He walked into the cafe, immediately drawing Swatch's eye as he passed them. The bird-like waiter blinked in surprise, their brow furrowing as if they weren't sure that this was the same Addison they knew.

"Spamton?" Swatch called after the little salesman, making him pivot on his heel to face him. They scoffed, grinning subtly as they got a good look at Spamton's new appearance. "I almost didn't recognize you. You look stunning." The waiter purred, walking toward the table the Addisons usually occupied. Spamton walked beside him, letting out a soft chuckle as he blushed. The pink on his cheeks barely showed through the red stain, however.

"Well thank you, Swatch. It means a lot coming from someone as stylish as you. You have an artist's touch." The Addison complimented, grinning as he looked up at Swatch. They smiled a little wider, stopping in front of the table as the white program carefully climbed into his seat.

"You flatter me. I'll be back in a moment with your dinner." The bird-like waiter grinned, walking off without another word. Spamton sighs longingly, resting his hands on the table as he stared over his shoulder at the colorful yet monochrome corvid. Wait- He quickly looked back at his friends, snapping away from the sultry distraction that was the attractive waiter.

That's right, all my friends are here! Rose, Ranger, and Lyle were all waiting patiently for me to say something while Paz and Indy seemed taken aback. Oh yeah... Maybe they weren't told that I changed my look.

Indy and Paz stared with awe at Spamton's jet back hair, and his permanently rosy cheeks. The pale Addison had almost forgotten how drastically he'd changed his look. I mean honestly, how often do you really see your reflection? Paz started bouncing in his seat, grinning as his hands trembled; like he was shaking a tiny box.

"Eeee! You look so good, Spammy! Your hair is so- and the cheeks are just-! Ah! I can't even talk! You're so f*cking cute!" The yellow Addison squeaked, making Indy chuckle at him while he nodded in agreement, resting his chin in his hand as he gazed upon Spamton. The pale Addison could feel his face reddening from the praise.

"You look wonderful. This look suits you. I'd dare say its better than your previous get-up." Indy said honestly, giving his friend a genuine smile that warmed his chest. The little Addison clears his throat, almost too excited to keep back a smile. I couldn't wait to tell them that I got my first deal! And it seemed like a really good one! Of course, I couldn't tell them about Mike... But then- how on earth do I explain this?!

"So, do you guys want to guess what happened to me this morning?" Spamton asks, cocking an eyebrow at his friends as he pressed his hands together. He bit his lip, hardly able to contain his excitement as he waited for his friends to respond. Ranger was the first to make an attempt.

"Uh... You met the Queen?" The orange Addison guessed, his brow furrowed. Ouch. Like that would be the most likely thing to happen to me, over my first deal? I know it's not what he meant but still. Spamton chuckles softly, shaking his head.

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