38: Texts?

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Chapter 38: Texts?



After seeing that horrid picture up on public view, I willed myself to drag Kasaki away from it after a half second of staring. Unfortunately, even the smallest shift of movement captured the damned Prince's attention, and a wide smile broke through his face. Kasaki didn't even flinch when the other male strode over to us, his red cape following him swiftly.

"A pleasant day, commoners," Izazuo said.

I blinked once, then twice. Such nerve!

Kasaki grinned back, not bothering to return the greeting with an ego-hurting comeback (which I might've done myself), and looked back at the stall, "Cool motif. Nothing less expected from you guys,"

"Well, it was all my idea. They were against it the whole time saying that I'm the only one who'll appear," Izazuo replied with a chuckle. Then his eyes shifted to mine, "Interested in the game or perhaps..." He paused for a moment as he flipped his bangs, "Interested in me?"

I didn't have time to react when a bunch of girls suddenly came up behind me, screaming and fangirling to the max. I sweatdropped and backed away slowly, out of his sight. Kasaki followed me, laughing while clutching his stomach.

"I can't believe lines like those don't work on you!" He blurted out.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms, "I grew up with otome* games. I'm practically immune to bishounens*,"

The black haired male halts his laughing and stretches his back. Just as he finishes, his phone rings. He excuses himself for a bit and I stood by the side, watching him answer it.

He mutters a 'hello' to whoever was on the other line, then his face scrunches up in confusion. He stares at his phone, sighs and hangs up. Kasaki walks back to me.

"Prank call?" I asked, judging by his look.

He nods slowly and shrugs, "I don't know the number. Might as well ignore it for now," Then he invites me to more walking around the festival.

I can't decline since obviously I don't really have anything to do with my remaining time and staying at home would just prove that I'm a hikikomori*, which I'm not. Really.

Just thirty minutes later, his phone rings again, but this time, it was just a message.

'Gym. Now.' Was all it said from the unknown number.

"Trying to pick a fight?" I asked. But seriously, I was kindoff expecting that. I mean, maybe after that incident of finding the basketball members all beaten up, other people might think it might be Kasaki's doing and now they want revenge.

He sighed, shoving his phone in his pocket, "I don't have time for those. I should be enjoying this festival,"

I smiled at his care-free attitude. I wish I have that too. I mean, even after all the time spent laughing in this event, I'm still worrying so badly about our own stall. There's nothing left but shreds in it.

"I should be too," I blurted out. He watched me intently for a while and smiled.

"I'll make it worth it then," Grabbing my wrist, he pulls me back into the crowd of people.

I honestly don't know how long we've been wandering around, nor could I find myself to care about it. All I know is that it's fun and I'm very full, if not sick, of all the food we've tried. Mu wallet is probably close to being dead as well from all the games we tried, from darts to weird dares. Kasaki doesn't seem to mind spending a lot though, but all those times, I'm always getting the half of whatever he has. It's reassuring but it makes me feel guilty sometimes. My cheeks hurt from stuffing myself and from smiling like an idiot the whole day. Kasaki must've been feeling the same since the last smile he had was already forced.

"It's barely afternoon and I can't take anymore fun!" He wailed, stretching his arms.

The cool air hit us from our spot on the balcony and I can't help but take a deep breath as if I hadn't gotten one in a long time. Opening my mouth, I was supposed to say something in agreement, but a shout cut me off.


We both looked down, seeing Zaviel glaring at us with crossed arms. We headed down immediately and she wasted no time barking.

"Why the hell won't both of you reply?!"

Blinking, I looked at Kasaki then brought out my phone. My phone had been off the whole time, and opening it now, apparently, Zaviel and Lior had been texting me nonstop. Kasaki on the other hand laughs nervously.

"Sorry, I thought they were from the unknown number calling me to the gym so I kinda ignored it..."

"Idiot!" Zaviel huffs out and smacks both of us upside the head, "Kevin's been fixing our stall since this morning!!"

Both of us quickly recovered as if we were possessed.








*Otome- Dating sim games. Mostly heroine with lots of guys as choices/routes

*Bishounen- Pretty guys

*Hikikomori- Shut-in

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