08: Compliments

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CHAPTER 8: Compliments




The dreaded day for the grand ball came.

I was staring at my planner for this day which was hung at the wall infront of my study table, and I wished it could still be followed.

I mean, there's a new episode for Kuroko no Basuke* season 2 today, and an OVA* of the other anime, plus a special interview with him live on TV and the latest parody release from Nico Nico Douga* too.

There are a lot more things that has to be done/watched/read today and I can't believe I'm wasting it all for a single grand ball dance thingy that I-


Oh gosh.

I just remembered: I can't dance.

Oh gosh. I got so caught up with the clothes that I forgot to ask the most important thing there! How do you dance there?! I am a stick! A friggen' stick with joints- amd thus, the robotic motions!

I checked the time and it was quarter to 9, remembering that I had to be at the mall soon, so I quickly put on a rather loose t-shirt and baggy pants, not even bothering to comb my hair.

I ran off to the mall, and when I got there, surprisingly, Izazuo was there as well, just about to enter the establishment too. He saw me and waved.

"Morning, uhm-" I was about to start but he pushed me inside already.

"Woah, you look like you had a hangover. That won't do! Let's get you fixed up so we can go," He motioned for the same salesclerk by the corner amd her smile widened.

"Your clothes are by that stall," She said to Izazuo and pointed to the far left of the room, other hand holding my arm, "Let's go change,"

I followed her begrudgingly, and soom the curtain falls on the changing stall and I knew there was no turning back.

Her hands were swift in fixing up my dress, then to my hair, and then to those trinkets they decided on yesterday. Then came the cursed make-up that I swear, I can't stand.

After a good 15 minutes, I was out, walking past the rows of stalls with the slight breeze tickling the inside of my legs. It's so breezy and girly. I can't go like this. It feels different and unOtaku-like!

I decided to stop by a mirror. There, a girl with soft and bouncy hazelnut colored hair tied in a loose, mid ponytail with a long silver ribbon, stood. Her dress was a shade of scarlet and silver outlines laced around the edges and along her waist. The dress was a little above her knees and a white cloth served as the cut of the dress' upper, just below her collar bone, and then around her shoulders.

She had on a silver pendant in the shape of a teardrop and a matching silver bracelet on he left. She also had red heels on, ribbons crawling up to her ankles and tying just behind them with the laces not too low to be stepped on.

"Woah, I almost didn't recognize you there," Came Izazuo's voice behind me.

"Meanie," I huffed and turned around, in hopes of glaring at him, but instead, I nearly choked on my breath.

In contrast to his slicked-back bright blond hair, he wore a black tuxedo that seemed to fit his body snuggly. Inside was a teal, the same shade as his eyes, polo with a black necktie. There were light blue outlines on the the cuffs of the hand, along seam of the coat, on the breastpocket, and even the buttons at the front. He wore black leather shoes to go with the attire as well.

"S-sugoi*... You look good," I stuttered out. Gah! Who was I kidding?! He looks amazing!

"Same to you too," He flashed a smirk and fixed himself up on the mirror.

I blinked amd fought back a blush. What now? Usually, I don't get embarassed from those kinds of compliments. I thought I'm immune to it, but now, why?

Maybe because the one who complimented it was a hottie probably? Sometimes it's all just empty words, but somehow, it felt genuine by the tone of his voice.

I was too busy staring at him, admitting the fact that he is indeed a worthy heartthrob for the school. He carries himself like somesort of noble and the matching aura around him was also adding to that vision.

But out of that daydream already!

"I-Izazuo... What will the dance be there?" I asked nervously.

He looked at me through the mirror, aloof expression on his face, "Just normal ballroom. Waltz? Yeah, that..."

"Do we... Have to...?"

This time, he sensed the wavering of my voice since he turned around to face me, "Just follow my steps. It's pretty easy,"

I sighed, "I hope so!"

We got out and I immediately noticed the slick, black Limo parked infront of us. He stepped infront of me, opening the car up and I got in hesitantly. He shut the door behind him nd the car started moving.

A weird, foreign song played in our silence and I can't help but note the fact that my heart just transferred to my ear. I mean, I could really hear it so close!

Doki doki doki doki*...

Gosh! I don't know how stupid my choices were before but I know that the next couple of hours would be torture to an Otaku like me!







*Kuroko no Basuke- "The Basketball which Kuroko Plays" an anime that is currently trending among Otakus right now (me too!!)

*OVA- "Original Video Animation" something like a movie for an Anime

*Nico Nico Douga- A famous site for parodies in different animes

*Sugoi- "Wow!" or "Amazing!"

*Doki doki- sound of heartbeat in Japanese. Usually in love or nervousness.

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