Author's note/ Character Info 1

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Author's note:


Reimei Jennoir here to say something about this story!


First of all, thank you for all the reads that you guys have been giving! And seriously, why won't you review/comment/suggest??? (hehehe too demanding?) Please do favorite as well!!


Next, about the characters. There's some that isn't mine but I made it for my friends.

1. Kanra Otakuse - Mine! The proud Otaku girl who is surprisingly good at her studies. Unfortunately, she has a loner complex (like me!) and she's a daydreamer. Has shoulder-length light brown hair and red eyes.

2. Aerza P. Feilo- Belongs to a friend of mine (I scrambled the letters of her name). She's Kanra's closest friend in the whole class. She has long dark brown hair and green eyes.

3. Clea Alhercan - Also belongs to a friend of mine (Scrambled letters again.) (Also, she's here in wattpad: AuthoR_TsuKi_ChaN) She's an Otaku who is a year younger than us. She has straight, shoulder-length black hair and blue eyes and constantly wears glasses.

4. Izazuo Ryouta- MINE! The school's heartthrob and Kanra's classmate and torture material. He has a sister who's very princess-like but observant. He can sing, dance and play the guitar, plus he's a good athlete as well. Unfortunately, he doesn't do good in his studies. Also, he has a tendency of being sensitive and picky. Apparently, his attitude around public is different from when he is with Kanra and her friends.

5. Midorou Naru Hibiya- Not mine. Belongs to AuthoR_TsuKi_ChaN in her story "Always seeing the moon". He's Clea's date who understands her and the situations very well. He has black hair and brown eyes.


Well, that's all for the intro's and whatnots. I'll keep updating soon! Please do continue to support the story!! Thanks a lot guys!


AuthoR_TsuKi_ChaN is a friend of mine so I already asked permission from her to use some of her characters. ^^

Signing out

~Reimei Jennoir

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