05: You Won't Tell Anybody?

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CHAPTER 5: You Won't Tell Anybody?



The next morning, I was practically grinning ear to ear, not even bothering to critisize the weather right now. Aerza walked beside me in the hallways, staring.

"You seem happy," She stated, "Is it because of yesterday?"

"Of course. My plan was a total success and now I think the rest is gonna be easy," I felt really confident as we stepped in the classroom.

Izazuo was there in the front seat, still being swarmed by girls, but he turned and waved at me. I waved back, earning all the stares of the girls into me, but I ignored them and sat on my seat.

"Woah... You don't see that everyday," Aerza murmured, leaning on the wall beside me.

"Of course. I told you, it's gonna be easy from here on out,"

Unfortunately, that was the only easy part. The rest were plain and normal- almost as if nothing happened at all. I mean, the whole day nothing happened. He didn't notice me anymore.

Well, of course I was at the back seat, so I didn't expect him to notice me in the classroom. But out there, in the cafeteria or the school grounds, we passed by each other like four times and he didn't even look at me!

I thought that it was just bearable, so I put my hopes up on dismissal. I stayed in the classroom again, pretending to clean up and fix the chairs, but nobody came up.

My phone rang with the tone of Kuroko's Character Song 'Future Line', and I knew immediately that it was from Aerza. I pressed the phone on my ear and said, "Moshi moshi*"

"Hey, are you staying late there again?" She asked, sounding annoyed.

"Yeah... Why?"

"Your brother called me like three times and I didn't bother answering," She hissed, "Go back home already, it's really not good for you to stay that late."

I nodded absent-mindedly, hoping she saw it, "Okay. Uhh.. See ya then,"

She hung up and I sighed. Well, I guess that's it for today. Come to think of it, I don't even know whether they had club practice or not. Maybe they left early already.

I grabbed my bag and walked out. The sun was already setting and the skies were tinted in something between red, orange, and blue. The cold air surrounded me and I warmed my hands with my breath.

"And it's only June too.." Strange as it was, I just thought that night time was colder tham day, so I continued walking.

But as I made my way through the lightly crowded streets of my town, something caught my eye. No. Someone caught my eye. The mop of messy yellow hair was distinct from the crowd, and sure enough, it was the person I was looking for.

Izazuo walked amongst the crowd wearing a light blue denim jacket over a white shirt and brown khaki pants. He looked slumped and problematic and I can't help but wonder what made Mr. Heartthrob look crestfallen.

Before I could approach him, a pretty girl came up. She had long cobalt blue hair flowing to her waist and bright brown eyes as she smiled at him.

"Who's that?" I asked myself, and suddenly I was hiding in the corner.

The girl seemed to offer him something and he agreed slightly begrudgingly. They walked in a restaurant, just the one infront of them and sat down near the window. I sneaked in as well, sitting myself on the seat behind them, and luckily the large seat hid me well.

"Menu?" Asked a nearby waitress and I took one before shooing her away.

"So, Izazuo, about the party," Started the girl.

"I really can't go... We have practice," He whined back.

"You have to! Geez, do I have to repeat what I'll show to everyone when you don't follow me?"

"You're bringing that up now?"

"Of course. Now is it this or the party?"

From the window that was slightly separated by our chairs, I could see the girl waving something- a paper- at him.

What was that? I don't know, but I'm thinking it must be some sort of blackmail. He slumped his head on the table and groaned.


Sh giggled and kept the paper in her bag, then took out her phone, "Ah, I'll be going then. Be careful on your way back,"


"Okay, bye!"

She left and walked past me, making sure that I covered my face to keep hidden.

When I was sure she was out the door, I peeked through the menu, but I froze.

Izazuo stared at me eye-wide, frozen in mid-step. I was about to say something but he yelled out in surprise.

"Y-you...!!" And pointed a finger at me.

I held the menu higher, "I didn't hear anything!"

"You did! Damnit!" He hissed, closing his eyes and covering his face with a hand. He sat down on the seat opposite mine, fingers tapping the on the table in irritation.

"Sorry," I whispered, placing the menu down, "But I can't help but see how distressed you were a while back with her,"


"Yeah." I breathed out and then gave a stern look, "Why?"

"I guess I can't hide it from you, huh?" He stared before looking down on his fingers, "Y-you won't tell anybody?"

"I promise,"

And with that, he started his story.







*Moshi moshi- typical greeting through phone in Japan

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