10: I Don't Belong Here

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CHAPTER 10: I Don't Belong Here



The music echoed within the large, confined room. Partners of all nationalities stepped into the dance floor and moved to the beat of said music. I, myself, let Izazuo pull me into the crowd, finding a small space near the center, and then anchoring his free hand on my waist.

The contact made me shift a little back, "Matte*! W-what am I supposed to do?" I asked in a whisper.

He pointed my other hand with a purse of his lips, "Put that on my shoulder and follow my steps,"

The moment I placed my hand on his shoulder, he stepped to the right and I had to follow him as well. He swayed to the left, then back a couple of steps, then turned on his heels, all the while as he dragged me along. I really felt like being dragged.

"I really don't know how to dance..." I muttered, my grip on his other hand tightening, as I looked down, "Atashi wa baka...*"

He snorted, a bit proudly, "It'll come naturally," he said and then made another turn.

I stepped in to make sure I won't loss balance and swiveled with him. Luckily, my elbow didn't hit a passing couple just a while back. I watched his feet the whole time, taking notes of whatever steps he had to make and what I had to do to counter them without showing that I'm a total rookie in dancing.

"Having problems, Izazuo?" Came that harsh yet familiar voice.

Turning my head around, I caught sight of the same bulky guy with fiery red hair and blue eyes and his partner, the girl with black hair and thick make-up.

"Not at all," Izazuo retorted with a false smile, "But it seems that your face is still your problem, Hestor, even after how many years,"

Wow. Harsh.

The guy, Hestor, glared at Izazuo's unwavering face and then twirled around with his partner, blending once more into the crowd.

"Are all rich people this spoiled?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Izazuo rolled his eyes, "I don't find myself as spoiled," Then he snapped his arm out, making me step out as well, and then pulled me in for a spin.

Of course, I didn't know what to do, and instead, I ended up tripping on my own feet and landing not-so-gracefully on the marble floor. Izazuo made a sound of guilt and then kneeled to help me up.

"S-sorry..!" He murmured, grasping my arm and then pulling me up, "I wasn't mad or anything, really!"

By this time around, all eyes were on us again. And I knew that those weren't the kind looks that people would normally give. Instead, all I can see is them looking down on me.

I pushed Izazuo's arm away slowky, "I'm fine, I just need a drink," I forced on a smile and then trottled over to the long table, avoiding everyone's gaze.

I took a random glass of wine from the pile and then leaned slightly on the table. I let it swirl around the glass, eyes scanning at the crowd in a hidden manner, before chugging it down in one gulp.

I'm guessing that it was one of those non-alcoholic beverages.

"You really aren't accustomed to such manners,"

I swiveled around, eyes locking with Hestor's, before I raised a brow, "Which ones?"

"Wine here shouldn't be taken in as one," He tipped over a glass to his lips and sipped before placing it back down, "You enjoy it by drinking a quarter of it each time,"

After I processed the explanatiom in my brain, I let out a shrug, "It'll still be the same,"

He stepped forward, letting his girl stand by the table with her fan covering half of her face, and then looked down at me. It really felt that way with his towering body build.

"Someone of your stature isn't allowed to be stepping in our land," He said.

Well, that took me back. I placed the wine glass on the table and stared at his eyes with seething anger, "Pardon?"

"You're not suppposed to be here," Was the blunt reply of his partner who suddenly came to his side, "Go find an arcade or something, missy,"

I huffed in a breath, fists clencing on both sides. I gritted my teeth and glared, "It's not like I wanted to be surrounded by spoiled brats in the first place!"

Before they could state anything further, I already spun on my heels and then pushed my way through the crowd.

"Kanra! Kanra!" I could hear Izazuo's voice call from the opposite side, but I didn't bother turning.

I headed immediately outside, meeting the cold air, and then signalling for an oncoming taxi. It was only after I shut the door when I saw Izazuo come running out, calling me in a muffled voice through the closed windows.

"Diogan Road please," I said to the taxi driver and we sped away.







*Matte!- "wait!"

*Atashi wa baka- "I'm an idiot..."

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