33: Demanding & Commanding

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Chapter 33: Demanding & Commanding



"Lower your hips! I said lower! Not that low!!"

I grumbled in frustration and adjusted myself for the instruction.

We're currently in the middle of photoshooting after James had fixed my hair. Well, not really fixed it, but he gave me a blond wig to use instead and braided it here and there. After some make-up transformations and a new set of clothes which consisted of a ruffled baby blue blouse and a pleated skirt, we were ready.

The glassed guy, Azuma, gave out instructions for the pose. It was a simple pose actually. I usually see it in magazine covers where the guy stands behind the girl and holds her waist with a seductive expression, while the girl tries to look kawaii* and pouts back at him. There were a couple of photos already, but Azuma wasn't all that contented with them.

Wait... What happened to my one photo only rule?

Geh... Seriously... Whatever.

We had to face the camera though, so half of my face had to be seen, thus the slight turn and the positioning of the hips. I homestly don't have a single clue about all this modeling stuff so following instructions was already hard. Specially the face. The look! They're expecting me to make that blushing look with a small smile! The 'look' indeed-

Which I can't. I mean, after watching so much anime where girls can do that look every second on cue, I CAN'T. Seriously. If you can pull it off and be considered anime-ish, then I would praise you.

But right now, I can't. I'm blushing out of embarassment because Izazuo's hands were on my waist, which I remind you, aren't so slim. And my smile was obviously forced.

"Kanra, tilt your head a bit back!!" Azuma yelled while I was daydreaming.

I did so and ended up looking at Izazuo, who actually seems quite uncomfortable as well. His form was tense, but I think he was trying hard to look composed.

Wow, so he actually he feels embarassed.

"We should take a break," Said James out of pity, tapping the other two guys on the shoulders, "We can't make this perfect if they aren't comfortable,"

Right on the mark.

"H-he's right!" I blurted in affirmation.

The guy with the bleached hair, Keniv, crossed his arms and sighed, "Alright fine. We still have an hour before classes start. I'll give you 10 minutes."

Izazuo seemed relieved as he trotted off to the bench beside the window. I busied myself looking at the full-body mirror at the side. Wow, this seriously feels like cosplay*! I never cosplayed before since I usually don't have the time or the money (especially the money) to do so.

I did a quick victory pose, winking in the process, and blaring my teeth at my reflection.

Suddenly, I heard a snort and I turned just in time to see the blond hiding his laughter.

"W-what's your problem?" I asked embarassedly.

"Well, you have the guts to do that when you can't do a simple head-tilt." Izazuo replied with a grin.

"I don't see you doing well with the seductive look either!"

He stared with an unamused face before looking back outside the window. I smiled triumphantly.

Well, anyways, we were practically in the same position. I've never been into modeling before and thus my inexperience. But honestly, I thought that Izazuo's charm would pull us through a quick picture. Turns out he's just as clueless as me. His groupmates sure know how to make him feel bad, and I can't help but smile at that.

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