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"i just want to go home, to forget about the treasure. to be with jj again."


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"They're Caucasion, one male, a female. Mabye 17, 18."

I look over at John B as the gaurd uses my hair to pull my head up to the point where it could be seen to Ward. John B has a look of pride on his face, and sometimes I don't know how he does it.

I feel sweat drip down my back as well as what's possibly blood, a tear or two falling from my eyes because of the pain.

"Were they in the house? They weren't in the house were they?" Ward asks worry laced in his voice. "Let me see their faces. Put the camera on their faces."

"Hold their heads up," the guard on the phone instructs the two who were holding our hair. I feel the guard pull my head up the rest of the way and I put on the bravest face I can manage. Why would I give this bitch the satisfaction.

"I'm losing signal. Do you hear me? Okay, okay, let me see their faces," Ward tells the guards. Suddenly I feel water hit my back and all the security gaurds begin freaking out. The water feels really good against my back.

"Hurry up. Get thoughs sprinklers off," the main gaurd tells another. I know that was Sarah and that me and John B should've ran for it. I don't know why we didn't.  Mabye because we're weak, we're scared, or maybe a small part of John B wants Ward to know we're alive. But, I don't think now is the time.

I can here Ward's muffled screaming through the now wet phone, and Sarah's plan finally seems to make sense. She wasn't trying to help us escape, she was trying to keep Ward from catching us.

"Why'd the sprinklers go off?"

"I don't know."

A chorus of questions with no answers are thrown about throughout the guards, none of them having answers to any of them.

"What is going on?" Sarah asks coming out from behind a cornor of the house holding bug repelant.

"Who are you?" a guard asks quickly aiming his gun at her. "Hey, hold it right there."

"I'm Val. I'm house-sitting for the Camerons," Sarah lies, it seems to bee working as he lowers his gun.

"You live here?"

"No, I'm house-sitting. I just started a week ago," Sarah tells them.

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