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Chiara's POV

"I don't wanna miss out on the holiday, but I can't stop staring at your face." Justin Biebers voice fills my ears from the kitchen speaker. I hum along to the music, and sift the flour into my gingerbread dough. 

It's finally Christmas time, aka the best time of year. I don't even know why I love Christmas so much, it's just, perfect. This years Christmas will be much different from my usually Christmas for three main reasons. 

1) In Australia Christmas is in summer, Christmas in New York is in winter.

2) I actually have a family to celebrate it with.

3) I won't be starving and will be able to enjoy food.

So, this years Christmas is just naturally already better then every single Christmas I've ever experienced. I'm in the middle of mixing the final ingredients into the dough, when I see a hand slip into the mixture.

"Oi! Hand out of my gingerbread!" I exclaim and look up to a guilty looking Carlo with a smirking Emilio standing behind him. I give Carlo a good death stare, until 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' By Mariah Carey comes out through the speakers.

"Oh my God! I love this song!" I exclaim and immediately starting dancing along to the music. 

"I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need" Comes pouring out through the speaker, Carlo and I immediately singing along with the music and dancing around the kitchen together. Well, I wouldn't really call it dancing, we're jumping around the kitchen thinking we're dancing.

We dance around the kitchen to the song, with him occasionally coming up and twirling me, with me doing the same to him. Screaming the lyrics, having the best time of our lives. When the song ends both Carlo and I are both panting messes, and I remember the actual job I was doing. When I look over to the bowl of dough, I see Emilio, Enzo and Bruno all standing over it sticking their grubby fingers in there.

"That's it, everyone out of the God damn kitchen. Now." I snap, and the boys all quickly run away, it's almost like they were never there, apart from the missing cookie dough. 

I let out a dramatic sigh and get back to making the cookies.


"Who wants to help me decorate these cookies?" I yell, wanting at least one brother to hear. I had set up all my cookies perfectly, making sure to keep count of how many I had. I also had pre-made a bunch of icing and prayed to the heavens that the boys would use it accordingly. I heard a stampede of footsteps coming my way, they probably just heard the word cookie and that was enough to get them moving.

"Is it decorating time?" Bruno huffs as he slides into the kitchen, with Emilio, Carlo and Enzo following quickly behind.

"Sure is, let me do the piping bags quickly and you can get started on them." I said, quickly getting to work on separating the icing in the piping bags. Once I was finished I gave them one each and they quickly got started at creating whatever masterpieces they had in mind.

"Now please be careful with the icing, don't waste it." I said sternly, and as I did I heard a, "Oops." Come from Bruno's mouth. I looked over at his cookie and he had squeezed the icing bag too hard and got icing over the entire cooking. I sighed and quickly got out the ingredients to make more icing.

"You know Chiara, you're going to make a good mum some day." Carlo said randomly. I was a little taken back at what he said, it was very random, but it brought a small smile to my face.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now