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hi lol, make sure u comment, u guys make me laugh i love u lots xx

tw - mention of mature scenes, self harm and eating disorders. if there's anything i missed please be sure to let me know <3

Chiara's POV

"Carlooo!" I yell as I quickly dash out of my room. I quickly regret my decision when the throbbing pain at the back of my throat gets severely worse, but it doesn't stop me from storming into his room.

"What's wrong Ki?" Carlo sighs, quickly pressing some buttons on his controller before turning to look at me. Milo and Gio look towards me at the same time as him, and I peek at the TV to see they've paused the game for me, how sweet.

Milo and Carlo are both sitting up against the headboard, with Carlo looking at me expectantly whilst Milo is glaring holes into my forehead. Gio is just chilling at the end of the bed, already distracted by his phone.

I quickly shoot Milo a glare before waltzing into Carlo's bathroom and switching the torch on my phone.

I try to get my face as close to the mirror as I can whilst also tilting the flash in my mouth, trying to get a good look at the back of my throat. However, it's not really working and I can't really see shit right now.

"Carlo, can you please help me?" I whine, talking as loud as I can without hurting my throat too much. I swear my throat just being there hurts, so any extra activity for it to do makes it throb like a little bitch.

I hear Carlo murmur something to Gio and Milo, and then he quickly appears in front of me. He looks at me confusedly, I'm not sure why. There's only one reason I'd be sticking a flash down my throat whilst trying to look at it in the mirror.

"Help me please." I manage to mumble, still trying to get a good look down my throat. Something is clearly wrong, you don't have to be a doctor to figure that one out. I'm just trying to figure out what's actually wrong with it, and if I should tell Gi how bad it actually is instead of downplaying to him like I did this morning.

"Let me have a look." Carlo grumbles unhappily, before snatching the phone out of my phone aggressively and tilting my head towards him. He kindly makes sure the flash doesn't hit my eyes, and angles it into my already open mouth.

When he starts scrunching his nose and making noises of disgust, worst case scenarios staring sprinting through my mind. I can't be dying. I can't die from a sore throat. That's not a very cool way to die.

"Oh, she's not pretty." He grumbles and even goes as far to fake gag for dramatics. Or maybe it was a real gag, I'm not entirely sure.

"What does it look like?" I try to ask, but because my mouth is still wide open it sounds more like, "Ot oes i ook ike?" But it's okay, because Carlo seems to get what I'm trying to ask. It doesn't stop him from laughing at me though.

"Here, just lemme take a photo of it." He says, turning the flash off and shoving the front camera in my face.

He's probably using my face to unlock the FaceID. He obviously does it successfully, but his face drops when he sees my recent searches. That would be a list of all orally transmitted STD and STI's, followed by an image of what someone's throat with these would look like.

"Chiara, what is this." He says after sucking in a deep breath, he shoved a lovely photo of someone with syphilis' throat. I don't know Carlo, it's a bunch of fucking puppies.

"Well, is that what my throat looks like?" I ask, snatching the phone out of Carlo's hand. I immediately start scrolling through all the images of infected throats, some of them have funny looking tongues as well. I don't think mine looks funny. Carlo is too busy staring at me with his mouth wide open, like he can't believe what's going on.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now