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tw - mention of self harm and rape

Chiara's POV

"You know the public school down the road? I forgot it's name, it starts with a P or something." Rocco says, clicking his finger as he thinks.

"Uh yeah, I reckon I know the one you're talking about. What about it?" Gi asks.

"Well, a bunch of the boys kept on wanking themselves off into the toilets. All the cum blocked all the pipes and one exploded." Rocco says excitedly, and I slowly put my fork back onto the table. They really know how to destroy my appetite.

"Woah, like a cum explosion?" Enzo says with wide eyes. Carlo starts choking on his lasagne from beside me, and both Tino and Gi let out disappointed sighs.

"We're at the dinner table, save the stories for later." Gi sighs, and everyone around the table goes back to eating their lasagne. I eat it in little bites, the recent conversation absolutely destroying my appetite. Now the only think I can imagine is a pipe exploding, with little tadpoles flying out whilst squeezing. Not the best sight if I do say so myself.

"Camila, are we going to have another sex ed chat tonight? I don't think Chiara's caught up enough." Rocco says, biting into the last piece of his lasagne and leaning back in his chair.

"No." Tino says, not even letting Camila answer for herself. Thank fuck, I do not need another talk about it, I already know enough. Well, I know everything I need to know.

Everyone continues eating their lasagne, and I end up giving the rest of mine to Carlo who eats it happily.

"Rocco and Chiara, my office now please. Bruno, you're on dishes and Enzo can clear the table." Tino grunts, getting out of his chair and giving Rocco and I very pointed looks.

"Oh you're so fucked." Carlo murmurs to me as I very slowly push my chair out.

"Make sure I have a pretty headstone." I murmur to Carlo as I slide out of my seat. He just laughs as Rocco and I walk out the room together, and Rocco is absolutely shitting himself right now.

"I told you he'd find out." Rocco murmurs to me as we walk up the stairs. I don't even have the chance to respond since Tino and Gi are both standing out the front of Tino's office, clearly waiting for us. Gi's even tapping his foot on the floor, as if he has somewhere to be afterwards and we're keeping him back.

Wordlessly, everyone makes their way into the room. Rocco and I sit in the two chairs opposite Tino's desk, Tino sits in the chair behind his desk with Gi standing over his shoulder behind me. Neither of them look very happy, maybe that's why Gi's been in a pissy mood all day.

"What did you two get up to yesterday?" Tino asks, leaning back in his chair.

"I made a milkshake." I say, nodding my head slowly.

"And I got into a fight." Rocco adds. Tino groans and shares a look with Gi, then clears his throat frustratedly.

"Let me be a little more clear, what did you do when you went out together yesterday?" Tino says slowly.

"We got gelato at Alberto's place, we already talked to Gi about it." Rocco says confidently, stretching out his unnecessarily log legs and resting back in his chair. I wish I could be that relaxed, I'm too busy focusing on not letting my leg shake.

"Yeah, you got hazelnut and chocolate, didn't you Chiara?" Agostino asks sweetly.

"Um, yeah." I mutter.

"You wanna know a funny story?" Gi asks, leaning up against the bookshelf behind him. He doesn't give me an opportunity to respond, "I was at Alberto's yesterday, checking in and all the fun stuff. I wanted some hazelnut and chocolate gelato, because they're the best flavours out there. Anyways, they didn't have any." He finishes angrily and I slump into my chair, Rocco doing the same. We've been busted.

Chiara RoseWhere stories live. Discover now