Part 4 | Victorious

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"Let the battle, begin!"

Immediately, the brown haired man ran at you, swinging his blunt sword. You ducked and bounced back up to punch him in the nose. You felt it crack and blood began to pour down his face. He growled, and swung his sword again, missing you by an inch. Ducking again, you bent down and grabbed a handful of sand. Throwing it in his face, you jumped up and landed on his back, stabbing him in each shoulder blade. He yelled out and fell to the ground. Smirking, you said "What were you saying earlier?"

A knife whistled past your ear, and in one fluid movement, you turned and threw a dagger at the attacker, stabbing them in the stomach. You flicked your wrist and it returned to your hand. The man stumbled towards you, weakly holding his knife and swearing at you. "You stupid bitch you have no idea who you're-" His words were cut off quickly as you kicked him in the face.

Attacker after attacker fell to the ground, until there was only one left. You circled around each other. He smirked at you tauntingly, before someone from the shouted out "Go on, it's just a girl!" The crowd cheered and he laughed, breaking into a run. You crouched down, daggers in hand. When he was half a meter away from you, you sprung up and kicked him straight in the chest. He stumbled back a bit before slashing at you with his mace. You dodged swing after swing before jumping onto his shoulders. You locked your legs around his neck and held on for dear life. He managed to get a hit to your calf, blood pouring from the multiple puncture wounds. Hissing in pain, you kicked the mace out his grip. He started running around trying to shake you off, but your hold was too tight. After a minute of struggling, he fell to the ground.

Standing up, you turned around and bowed sarcastically to the crowd. "Anyone else want a go?" you ask, smirking at the shocked looks on their faces.

Looking to your left, you see a very impressed looking Loki and a grinning Thor. Turning around, you walk over to Sif and Vidar who were standing with winners.

"That was amazing!" Sif exclaimed, greeting you with a hug. Vidar grinned at you and shook his head in amazement. "Not too bad short ass" he said, to which you responded "Thanks mop head."

"I present to you, the 52 winners or round 1!"

Cheers teacher your ears as you and Sif sat under a tree, cleaning your wounds with a medical kit, chatting about the precious fights.

"My hair doesn't really look like a mop, does it?"


Hey everyone, thanks for sticking with my story up to here, sorry about the fight scene, I'm not the best at writing those.

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed it!

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