Part 15 | Dragons

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"Gather round gather round!"

The contestants stood around the back stables; a huge building which had little chimneys on the roof. Occasionally, there would be a roar and a puff of smoke would roll out. The approximate 45 remaining competitors were huddled together, looking worried.

The instructor laughed, and said "Today is a randomised round. You will each given a baby dragon. You are expected to tame it, name it and get it to trust you. If you are successful, your reward is that you get to keep your dragon. If you are unsuccessful, we sadly have to let you go. Let Round Five, begin!"


"Hello little one."

You had been given a small dragon who was now circling you in the air. You laughed as it settled itself on your head. You could feel the watchful eyes of the instructors.

All the dragon's were black and still in the child stage as you were told.

Gently, you picked it up brought it in front of you. Sitting down in the dirt, you placed the creature in front of you.

You spent the next hour attempting basic commands. Eventually, you could get her to fly, come, stay and ground (Meaning stop flying). Looking around, you saw the others in various stages of success.

On one hand, you saw Vidar with a dragon sitting on his hand, opening and closing its wings on command.

On the other, you could see Sigfus running around with a dragon following, blowing puffs of fire at him. To be honest, you couldn't tell if it was deliberate or not.

Chuckling, you turned back to the little dragon in front of you.

"Now, what shall we name you? Hm. What about Saphira?"

She perked up, and started flying around in front of you.

You laughed. "Saphira it is."


After another hour, Saphira was responding to her name and the nickname "Saph."

"Alright everyone! If you have successfully tamed your dragon, bring them over here to be registered and if not, please go wait next to the stable."

Around twenty came over to the instructors, while the others went sadly to the other area.

"Please form a line. When you reach the front state your name, your  dragons name and gender and please show your dragons some magic."

Murmurs flittered around the group as they got into a line, wondering what was going to happen.

The first person up was Vidar.

"My name is Vidar Folkson and my male dragon's name is Falkor."

The instructor nodded, writing it down. "Please hold up a ball of magic in right hand.

Vidar did so. Falkor leapt off his shoulder and flew into the light. Everyone gasped as he turned red, the same colour as his magic.

Vidar grinned in delight.

"He is now marked as yours" said the instructor with a kind smile on his face.

Vidar thanked him and moved on.

Person after person claimed their dragon, and soon there were heaps of coloured dragons flying around.

"Next please!"

You stepped up, and Frigga, Loki and Thor smiled at you proudly.

"My name y/n l/n and my female dragons name is Saphira."

"Good choice" said Frigga softly.

You held up a ball of light and Saphira flew into it. When she came out the other side, she was a bright, glittering gold.

The instructors eyes widened slightly, but before he could say anything, Frigga nudged him.

"Thank you Lady y/n, you may go."

You gave a little bow to the Royals, earning a flick on the ear from Frigga.

"Dear, please stop bowing I've already told you that" she chided and you laughed, thanking her.

"Next please!"


You watched in awe as Madeela and Sigfus's dragons flew around each other.

"As you can see here, when two owners have a feelings for each other, their dragons have a high chance of doing so as well" said the instructor, indicating to the creatures.

Madeela buried her face in her hands in embarrassment as everyone cheered. Sigfus gave her a hug, smiling over at us.

"Your dragon will be loyal to you and only you, until its death. When it is old enough, you two will able to communicate through the mind link."

There were gasps, and the instructor gave a small smile . "If you were unsuccessful in taming a dragon today, sadly, please pack your things. If you would like to apply for the castle guard, please see me immediately. Thank you everyone."


You stood up, Saph perched on your shoulder.

Loki and Frigga walked over, Loki's dragon following.

"Castor wanted to meet Saph" he explained and you nodded as the two dragons flew up to meet each other.

They studied each other for a second, and before you realised what was about to happen, it was too late.

The two little dragons circled around each other, flying through the air.

Loki went red and you threw a dagger at Vidar as he yelled "LOVEBIRDS!"

"Come on Saph let's go" you say, blushing.

Cas whined and Loki glared him.

"Shut up" he mumbled.

"What did he say?" you ask curiosly.



She read his mind and laughed.


"He asked Loki is you two are courting, because he like Saph."

You went bright red, thanked her and practically ran off, a smile on your face.

"She likes you Brother."

"Shut it Thor."

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