Part 13 | Peasant

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"So, princess"

"Will you stop calling me that?"


You, Loki, Thor and Frigga were all walking back to the medical wing to get some of Thor's dagger wounds looked at. You were quite proud.

"Then I'm going to call you 'peasant'"


"Cause that's the opposite of what you are."

You smiled at his bemused look while Thor roared with laughter.

"I like that" Frigga added.

"Not you too!"


"Welcome, contestants, to Round Four of The Battle of Protectors!"

Everyone clapped, Frigga smiling at the excited crowd.

"Now", she said, "Today is the first round of Literacy." She smiled at the nervous fidgeting.

"Each round will be based on a specific theme, such as a realm. I hope you have been studying?"

There were mixed responses.

"Today, the examination is one the realm of Svartalfheim."

There groans and whoops of joy.

"Everyone please find a desk and wait for the bell to begin."

You wandered over to the nearest desk, bumping into Saala along the way. She snarled at you, and you bowed. Madeela snickered, and slid into the desk beside you.

Frigga sent a shimmer of gold out over the tables, and exam papers and pens appeared in front of everyone.

A golden bell rang, signalling the beginning of the round.


"How do you think you went?"

Vidar groaned and Sif sighed.

"Not too good by the sounds of it" you say, bemused.

"You know, if we get kicked out of the competition, we can still try out for the castle guard."

"Shortass over here wouldn't make it in."

"Shut it Mop."

You three were wandering up the hall towards the competitors quarters, discussing the examination. You passed Saala, Madeela and Sigfus, Saala looking very much like the third wheel. Sigfus and Madeela were holding hands but trying to be sneaky about it.

"Hey Sig, hey Dee" you say gleefully, looking at their hands.

They blushed and dropped them, shuffling away from each other. You huffed and rolled your eyes. You stepped forward, grabbed their hands and relinked them. Their blushes deepened as Saala scowled and Sif and Vidar grinned.

"What can I say? Call me Cupid" you said, smiling encouragingly at them.

"Don't be embarrassed" added Vidar.

"You're just saying that so if you ever find a girlfriend we wont laugh at you" you say teasingly.

"Hey! I will one day!" he said, rolling his eyes when Sif mumbled "Sure sure."

"Good luck with finding a woman who will except you!" Sif said.

"Flaws and all!" you called back as you wandered down the hall towards your room.

You felt a large ball of red light fly past you, and, without even looking, you throw a knife backwards at him. You grin when you hear it hit it's mark.

You turned around and walked backwards, grinning at Vidar as he cursed and flipped you off. Returning the gesture, you spin back around and walk into something solid.

You bounce off and stumble backwards.

You look up from your spot on the floor to see Loki snickering. Behind you, you could hear Vidar laughing. You sighed and threw another dagger, smiling you hear a thud, followed by "Bitch."

"Thanks mop, it's a talent."

"You've really got to stop running into me Princess. Maybe I should apply to be your guard" Loki teased, offering you his hand.

You took it, grumbling as he pulled you up. You noticed for the first time how cold his skin was.

"Shut it peasant."

He laughed, and shimmered away.

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now