Who is that?

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Finally, you put away your broom and mop. You turned your music down and began walking around. "Y/N!" Said a voice from behind.

     It was Vanessa, the night guard. She was bossy and sometimes even rude. "I need you to check out the candy machine, it's broken," She said. "But Vanessa, I just got a candy-" "No buts! I need you to fix it!" She snapped. "Isn't that your job anyways?" You sighed and walked over, turning your music up as she yelled after you.

     Trying to figure out what the problem was, you slid two more quarters into the machine. Only moon drops slid out. "Ah, I see. I must've taken the last sunnydrop." You said. She's probably just angry that there's no more. You exited the daycare and walked over to the kitchens, grabbing more candies.

You walked back into the daycare and went over to the candy machine, dumping them in lazily. Before closing it, you walked back to grab some extra candies without having to pay. You sat down at a table, playing games on your phone and listening to music.

A loud noise suddenly came from the ball pit, you quickly looked over. You decided it was best to not investigate, that's how people die in horror movies. They always walk to the sound. You ran to the desk, dodging toys and tables. You slid behind it and crouched down. As you heard footsteps approaching, you cupped your hands over your mouth. You crawled forward and reached for a button on top of your desk, the lights.

You clicked the button on the right, leading to the play set. You heard the footsteps retreating and peeked over, all you saw was a tall figure with bright colors. You decided it was better to go home so you made a run for the door. You grabbed a flashlight and tied your shoes so you wouldn't trip over the laces. As you ran for the door, you heard noises from the play set, as if something was getting out of it.

Hearing the noises, you ran faster. Am I going to die? You thought to yourself. Finally, you reached the doors. With a sense of relief, you grabbed the doorknob, but as soon as you were about to open it you felt something grab your shoulder. You froze in place, too scared to move. This is it, I never thought I'd die in a daycare. "You must be the new worker!" Said a voice from behind.

Day And Nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें