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People may think that selling drugs is easy. Not even close.

"Alright Liam i need you to do a pick up for me" Zayn says. They are all sitting in the living room having a meeting. Niall on the floor. Liam on the armchair. Harry on Louis' lap , Louis on the couch and Zayn is standing up pacing back and forth.

"Alright can Louis go with me" Liam ask.

"Oh can i go too" Harry ask with pleading green eyes.

"No H you need to stay here with me i have another job i need you to do" Zayn says.

"Well i'll go with Harry and Liam can pick up himself he's a big boy and can handle it." Louis states.

"No Louis you need to go with Liam because Harry needs to do this alone" Zayn says.

By now Louis is getting angry and ready to punch Zayn any second now. Harry comes and cups Louis face to make Louis look him in the eyes.

"Louis i'll be fine alright just be careful out there." Harry says. And yeah Harry cares a lot about Louis and yeah he or may not just happen to love Louis but Louis doesn't know if he feels the same.

"I will. And if anyone touches you call me right away." Louis kisses Harry softly on the lips. "I love you." Harry always say. "I know" is his same reply.




"Okay so the guy name is Drew he said to meet at the back of the club" Liam says.

"Well thats a terrible meet up place." Louis says.

They go to the back of the club and find a figure already standing there.

"Hey" Drew says.

"Yeah hey do you have our money." Louis says.

"Of course i don't want to die today you know." Drew replies.

"600 correct?" he asks.

"Correct" Louis replies.

Drew hands him the money and Louis is quick to count while Liam is watching the guy intensely just to be imitating. After Louis done he walks away.

"Good doing business with you." Drew says.

"The pleasure is all mine." Louis yells out. And with that him and Liam walk to their black Ferrari.

"Not as exciting as i thought it will be." Liam says.

"Yeah well i wanted to make it quick." Louis states.




"Okay Harry we need more customers so be a dear for me and sell this." Harry and Zayn are at a bar simply because Zayn needs some new incomers.

Without a second thought Harry stuff the drugs in his pocket and walks up to a unknown stranger.

"Hello" Harry says with innocent and a hint of flare in it.

"Why hello what is a pretty boy like you doing out here all alone"

"Well i wanted to have some fun." Harry says with a cute giggle.

"Well why don't we take this to the washroom and have some fun."

"Okay." Harry grabs his hand and takes him to the washroom and locks the door.

Harry take the stuff out of his pocket and puts it on the sink top.

"I should of known you were a seller why would a pretty boy like you talk to me."

"Yeah so wanna buy."

"How much?"


"Ill take it if you give me a blow job."

"No deal"

"Thats fine theres someone else who sells for cheaper than you"

Harry grabs his hand before he leaves out the door.

"Who else sells" Harry says.

"You didn't hear theres a new guy in town sells the same stuff you do for way cheaper."

"Really" Harry says in thought

"So how about that blow job."

The guy smirks and hands him the money. The guy enjoyed it but harry didn't he had to think of Louis the whole time. After he finished that he went up to Zayn who was drinking a beer and handed him the money.

"I have some news." Harry says.

They walk out of the restaurant and hop in their red mustang and drove home.

"Okay first off thank me for that 700 i had to give that guy a blow job oh god it was horrible."

"Thanks cupcake."

"Don't call me that." Harry says making a pouty face.

"Okay cupcake whats the news you had to tell me." Zayn says with a smirk

"Well it turns out theres a new guy in town he sells also but for way cheaper reason as to why we have no new customers."

"Did you get a name."


"Thats fine Niall can find him for us anything else."

"Don't call me cupcake."

Zayn just laughs.

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