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People always think drug sellers are poor with no money or no life to live. Well you thought wrong not every seller is poor.

When harry and Zayn arrived at their house harry went off to find Louis and Zayn went to find Niall.

Zayn found Niall sitting in his desk with his computer on.

"Niall i need you to look up something for me"

"Sure boss"

"There a new guy in town and he sells also we need to find him-"

"Found him" Niall said with a proud smile.

"Of course you did thats why your my favorite" Zayn said smiling too.

"His name is Deckard Shawn he lives on the other side of town , the richer side."

"Well we need to find him because he is stealing all my customers and i will not tolerate that."

"He's having a party this Saturday so in 3 days. Invites only."

"How the hell are we gonna get in there then."

"Z do you not know me , you remember Evan right well it says he's invited."

"How on earth do you know- nevermind call the group down in 10 we need a plan for this."

With that Niall went to call the gang. He found Liam sitting on the couch watching tv. And he found harry and louis making out in the kitchen.

"You guys are disgusting can't you at least get a room." Niall complains to them.

"If we get a room you'll complain about how harry is too loud." Louis says.

"M'not loud" Harry says with flush cheeks.

Louis just laughs while Niall rolls his eyes and walks away.

"Meeting in 10 be there." Niall says right before he left.




"Alright well i have a plan and we are gonna need help from a few friends" Zayn says with a satisfied grin.

"Alright Niall call in Stan, Chris & Evan" Niall gets to work at calling Stan, Chris & Evan to come over asap.

"Ok boys heres the plan....this guy his name is Deckard Shawn he's on the other side of town the richer side he's having a party with invite only. Evan has a invitation and will be able to make us copies so we can go in. Now Niall needs to hack the security cameras to see where he is hiding the drugs at.-" Zayn was interrupted by the door opening and 3 figures walked in.

"Hello boys" Zayn says.

"Evan you got invited to Deckard party and i need you to make copies for all of us so we can go in. Stan you think you can hook us up with some hot rides. Such as i don't know bulletproof windshields and such. And Chris think you can hook us up with some guns and amo." Zayn says as all the boys took a moment to understand what Zayn said. And all the boys took off to get to work.

"So what exactly is the plan Zayn." Louis says with a harry sitting in his lap.

"Well its simple really we go all nice and fancy in suits and fancy cars that loaded with amo just in case. And once we get in Niall will find the computer room which by the way is the 3rd door to your right on the 2nd floor. We will cause a distraction knowing there would be guards on the second floor-"

"Wait Zayn why are we going in straight in with all these people watching us, when instead we can go and find another way in from a window or something." Liam says cutting Zayn off.

"Good thinking Liam my boy , but word goes around and somehow his daughter found out and told her father so they would least expect us to go straight in." Zayn replied with a smirk and that shut Liam right up.

"So as i was saying before i was rudly interrupted. We go cause a distraction which would probably be from Harry. Niall will sneak in there and me and Louis will go and find where the drugs are at once Niall tells us and Liam you would stay in the car and if we are in trouble just smash your way in there who cares about the house. We grab the stuff and leave as quick as possible and if we are in trouble Liam will be there and we will be fully loaded. "

"So thats it , sounds simple enough." Harry states

" Oh and by the way get your flirt game on because we need to find us some dates." Zayn says while laughing. Louis immediately tighten his grip on harry.

"Ok Liam and Niall i know two friends who will go with you and will be willing to help us out. "

"What are their names." Niall asks

"Danielle and Eleanor." Zayn replies.

"And who will you go with." Liam asks.

" Ill go with my friend Perrie." Zayn says with a smile.

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