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Louis funeral was small. Everyone from the gang was there. They decided to cremate Louis body and dump his ashes at the one place he loved more than anything other than Harry.

The soccer field.

Harry knew about Louis love for soccer and Harry knew this will be something he would of wanted so everyone dressed in black tuxes gathered around Harry and silently Harry threw the ashes all over the field. There was a moment of silence everyone still in shock that Louis is officially gone.

People started leaving. Harry was the last one there just staring at the ground he felt everything yet nothing at the same time. He felt so numb he couldn't even move. He still cant comprehend the fact that the love of his life is gone.

It started getting dark and Zayn had secretly waited for Harry just to make sure he was okay and once he noticed how late it was getting he finally went to go get him.

When Harry heard his footsteps approaching him he looked up at Zayn and at that moment Zayn knew. All Zayn did was hug him knowing that was the only thing he can do. And Harry broke down crying.

Zayn doesn't know what to tell Harry shit he doesn't even know if there anything to tell Harry nothing can make this situation better at all. But after Harry somewhat calmed down and was now only sniffling Zayn spoke.

"Harry it's getting late I think we should go"

Harry then got out of Zayn grip. "No I'm staying here" and Harry went back to staring at the ground not knowing what to do with himself.

Zayn knew for a fact this was going to happen so he was prepared for this he went to his car and popped open the trunk and got out some pillows and blankets.

He went back and set everything down. "Looks like me and you are having a sleepover".

Harry got the pillow and blanket and laid down his face facing where he poured most of Louis ashes. Zayn laid down next to him. Harry started crying again and Zayn decided to cuddle him knowing that now Harry is lost and doesn't know how to function properly anymore. And Harry very much needed someone to hold him tight and stroke his curls.

It was dead silent between the two of them. Harry having nothing to say and Zayn not knowing what to say to Harry. Harry finally decided to break the ice with the most usual question for a situation like this.


"Mmm" Zayn was barely keeping his eyes open almost about ready to fall asleep.

"Whats your story?" Harry asked while looking at the sky knowing Louis is looking down on him.

"My story, what do you mean?" Zayn asks.

"Well every smoker has a story. Every smoker already has something inside them thats killing them even if the smoker doesn't want to admit it" Harry says blankly.

"Well I guess I've never told anyone my story before. But I'll make an exception to you Harold."

Harry gave a small smile.

With that Zayn smiled but quickly went away while telling the story.

"My parents were alcoholic. Very bad alcoholics.... My dad will come home every night and he umm did bad things to me." Zayn started blankly up at the sky with Harry eyes right on Zayn so he can know that he is listening.

"I remember every night when I hear that front door open I just prayed that he was too drunk and will go to bed but my prayers were never answered because no matter how drunk he was he will still touch me and do those things to me. He always told me he was teaching me to be a man. That was when I was 8,9 and 10 at 10 he stop using me like that cause he will get home even later at night and I knew that he was cheating on my mom but my mom didn't seem to care because my did had money at least enough money for her to survive. So from the ages of 11-13 it went to my dad beating me every night with my mom watching with a cigarette in her hand. My mom and dad always fought at lot after she found out he was cheating and he took all his anger out on me. So finally when I got into high school I skipped school a lot of course I sleep with almost every girl in that school and I was never home since I always stayed at a girl's house. Whenever I did go home during school hours I will sneak in from my window and with my parents crashed out on the couch or on the floor I will steal all their drugs and I will sell them thats how I made money for me to eat. Louis was my best customer and he helped me a lot and once I started selling more and more thats when I decided to make what we have now. I started saving up and charged a lot for the drugs I got and here we are. I just gotta say though if it wasn't for Louis I probably would of never wanted to succeed at this and make it a priority. I made what my parents did bad into something useful for myself and that is my revenge for them."

Harry didn't say nothing at first not knowing what to say. Until finally he said " I'm so glad I met you Zayn because I hope you know that every single one in your gang-you changed our lives and help us out of whatever hell hole we were in. You saved our lives Zayn, me , Louis , Niall and Liam and I hope you never forget that ever."

" Thank you Harry it means a lot knowing something somewhat good came out of this drug dealing process"

It was silence after soon later they both fell asleep. Harry knowing never to take anything for granted and to be grateful for what he still has left. And Zayn knowing that even though he had a tough childhood that he was able to get other people out of there tough problems and make them a better person of themself in his eyes he can see it but not in societies eyes and honestly Zayn didn't care because he knows he changed them and helped them crawl out of hell.

Smoke || Larry auWhere stories live. Discover now