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Everyone all ran inside with their guns pointed, everyone in the party started screaming and running. The wholegroup went their separate ways Louis and Harry stayed together while everyone split.

Liam and Zayn went upstairs checking every room possible seeing the most horrible pornographic scenes in some rooms.

"Liam, Zayn you got two headed your way" Niall said to the boys. And with ease they shot the two men before they can even get a glimpse of them.

Louis and Harry were by the front trying to find whatever they can. Louis being Louis was getting jewelry and putting it in his backpack. "Umm you two love birds over there better hide because you guys got a whole group coming your way" Niall told Louis and Harry. Once said Louis took Harry's hand and started running the long hallway looking for the best place to hide. As they turned the corner they heard gunshots hitting the wall barely missing them. So with Louis being the badass he is got his gun peaked over the corner and shot the two guys that were trying to kill him.

The two kept running finally finding a room and hiding in there they heard footsteps passing by. They both let out a huge breath of relief knowing they are gone.

"Black Black Black. We hit the jackpot boys!" Both Louis and Harry heard Liam yelling Black into their ear set. With that Niall spoke "Pancake everyone Pancake it is getting quite awful and unsafe in there, you girls that were in the back just hop the gate and come around, Liam and Zayn go find Harry and Louis there are in a bedroom on the first floor. Liam and Zayn be careful there are a lot of guys down there not wanting you guys to leave"

With that Louis and Harry waited for Liam and Zayn hearing lots of more gunshots then ever before.

"Harry..." Louis said looking straight into Harry's green eyes.

"Yes Louis"

"I-" he was cut off when they heard a loud bang on the door making the door fall down and all it took was one gunshot. Harry saw his life flash before his eyes and everything was happening in slow motion. He couldn't grip on to what was actually happening. But all he felt was a hand on his shoulder trying to get him to get up to leave.

Louis got shot and Liam was carrying him. We decided to go out the window since Niall said it was all clear. Once we were all in a car Niall set off the bomb exploding the whole place. We all took off. Zayn was driving his car while I was in the back with Louis still in shock. Zayn was speeding trying to get to the place where he told all of us to meet up. He called his friend since he was a doctor to try and help.

"Harry.." Louis barely chocked out.

"Louis please don't die on me, I love you, you promised everything was going to be okay." Harry was holding back the tears knowing Louis would want him to be strong.

"I love you Harry" and with that Louis eyes closed blissfully.

"I love you too..." Harry didn't know what to feel his emotions were everywhere that was the first time Louis told him he loved him and now the love of his life is gone and when they got to a run down, abandon factory place Zayn's doctor friends even pronounced him dead knowing he couldn't do anything especially with the amount of blood Louis lost.

So when things calmed down Zayn drove Harry home and everyone in the house kept out of Harry's way knowing its for the best. Once Harry faced hit the pillows it was downhill from there. All those tears he held in came rushing out and he felt like his world has been flipped over completely destroyed. He has no idea what he is going to do without the love of his life by his side....

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