Lifes tough bud.

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Life for jack has been fought recently but he keeps takin it out on me and he's turning into a slob expecting me to clean up after him cause he's injured. He still goes to practice with the boy cause he's still in the team. So I thought I'd do a little cleaning. I throw my AirPods in and start my journey to clean his pigsty of an apartment.

"Babe I'm home" i hear keys drop on the counter. "Hey love, how was your day?" I ask throwing away wrapper off the floor. "It was fine how was yours" he asks siting on the couch not even making eye contact. "It was good" "wow not even a hug rude". The glare this boy GAVE me OOOOO he wanna CATCH THESE HANDS. "Stop being so needy" he says with attitude. Oh my god. "Excuse me"i say in utter disbelief. " yeah this past month all you've been we needy it's getting annoying learn to do stuff yourself like common" he says getting up " I KNOW your not talking. I just spent the last four hours cleaning the pigsty of YOUR apartment so don't tell me to learn to do things my self. Just because your injured doesn't mean you can't do anything. I shouldn't have to constantly do everything or you. You can turn on the shower yourself ya know. You can pick out your own clothes too. I'm not your fuckin maid" i snapped. I had it with his bullshit. "I'm leaving I can't deal with you right now" i say grabbing my keys and heading out.

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