chapter one

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[1461 words]

George POV [1st person]

It was a chilly morning. The crisp air kissed my cheeks as I opened my bedroom window. I decided to go to the library like every morning. I put on my light brown coat over my black turtleneck, some black leather gloves, as well as my dark dirt-coloured boots.

I walked down the main street, and I saw something that I hadn't yesterday. It was a poster that read, "New Café: Grand opening October 13th!!", in bright colours. The only ones I could make out was the dark blue tape holding up the poster, along with a yellow circle, a happy smile situated in it. There was a second symbol slightly to the left. A brown flame, with a darker brown outlining it and yellow in the very middle.

'That's tomorrow!' I remembered. That meant there would be a new place to study instead of always going to the library. Hearing the wind whistling, I realized I had zoned out while looking in the direction of a man that looked a few years older than myself.

The man in question had dirty blonde hair and an abnormal, although very beautiful, shade of yellow in his eyes. He was behind the glass of the unopened café and had finally made eye contact with me. He must have been at least a few inches taller than me and headed in my direction as he made his way to the door.

I turned around and quickly walked in the direction of the library, ignoring the very obvious sound of a door opening. 'Why did you do that? He's going to think you're weird now,' I internally groaned but continued nonetheless in the direction of the big building in front of me.

I opened the big oak doors and greeted Sally. She was one of the librarians, an older woman, my favourite worker. It must sound sad that I have librarians as friends, but honestly, it's not as sad as you might think. For one, they let me use the library after the closing hours. I even have a key, which comes in handy when I'm bored and want to stay longer or want to get there earlier. Secondly, I don't even have a limit to the books I get to bring home. Nor do I have to bring them in on time, not that I ever take longer than a week or two to read them all.

Sally turned to me and was about to say something when the oak doors opened once again, and the man from earlier appeared. The one with the dirty blond hair and pissed-coloured eyes. I tried to hold my laughter as he was out of breath.

He bent over, putting his hands on his knees slightly, still trying to catch his breath. 'Did he run here?' I felt a small smile forming but quickly wiped it off as he tilted his head up towards mine.

"Hey," he panted.


"Y-.. You dropped this," he uttered with a lopsided smile.

I looked at the item in his hands. It was my bookmark covered with black paint and song lyrics in white chalk. I looked at my pile of books and realized my bookmark had, indeed, been missing. I must have dropped it when I was walking away. He was always looking at me. I felt his eyes burning holes in my head.

"Oh. Thank you," I smiled at his grin, and lifted my chin to meet his eyes already looking back at me. I hadn't realized how close we were as I noticed he had freckles lightly splattered across his face. His hair wasn't as long as it had seemed earlier, it was quite short, barely reaching his ears, yet still looking soft and healthy.

He nodded and had finally caught his breath. As he was leaving, I couldn't help but feel my heart warm, 'he came from his café to give me my bookmark? Weird,' I quickly pushed away the feelings he gave me.

I looked at the front desk where nobody sat and made my way over to the fiction section. I read many books in this section, most of them more than once. 'Oh, this one is new,' I picked up the book and read the title; The Little Prince.

I spent an hour scavenging for good books. I had The Little Prince in my clutch, along with one of the Harry Potter books, 'I must've read this one a hundred times over,' I smiled to myself thinking about it.

Instead of checking out my books, I just walked out and waved towards Jennifer, the newer librarian. We had gotten off on a little of a rocky start, but I don't think he minds me now. I wouldn't say we're friends in the least, but he doesn't look at me like he's going to murder me, anymore. So... that's good!

I love autumn. The crisp morning air and warm afternoons. That crunch the leaves make when you step on them. The fuzzy feeling you get when you light your fireplace and read a good book. Well, I guess you could do that during winter too, but autumn is just different. Maybe it's the nostalgia that I feel, but it truly is the best season in my opinion.

Winter is too cold, and the snow we get makes it hard to walk on the sidewalk half the time. Summer is much too hot for the type of clothes I like to wear, which consists of crewneck sweaters, sweatpants, and overall just thick, baggy clothes. Spring is okay, at least it makes up for the temperature with beautiful flowers blossoming left and right.

Lost in my thoughts again, I didn't even realize I was walking towards someone until we both fell to the ground. I started collecting my things from the sidewalk when I heard the man speak,

"Oh, sorry about that," he said with a nervous chuckle.

His voice was gravely and cracked once or twice, but I found it to be cute. I turned to get a good look at him. He was wearing a white sweater and underneath a black long sleeve shirt as well as a bandana to keep his hair out of his face. It fit him well, he was quite charming with the toothy smile he wore.

"That's alright, I should've looked where I was going," I offered a smile and his only grew.

"Um, I'm Sapnap. I just moved in a week ago," he said confidently, looking at the ground as he picked up his own phone, and pocketed it.

"Hi, I'm George!"

He helped me up as I was still on the ground. Soon after, I saw the dirty blond man walk up behind Sapnap and put his hand on his shoulder. Sapnap didn't even turn his head as he introduced the man, "This is Dream, he also just moved in. Dream, this is George."

Dream waved with his free hand and whispered something in Sapnap's ear. I was slightly confused when Sapnap had started blushing and said he had to leave suddenly but didn't read too much into it.

I watched as he lightly jogged into the café as Dream stayed behind.

"Long time no see, stalker," he hummed in a friendly manner, his voice calming when paired with soft winds and crows chirping in the distance.

I giggled and reminded him, "Hey, I wasn't the one who followed you to the library."

"You dropped your bookmark. What was I supposed to do?", his eyebrows furrowed, shoulders slightly shrugged but with a smile on his face.

"I would love to talk more, but my cat has to be fed," I made an excuse as it was getting cold, and could feel frostbite nipping my cheeks, ears, and nose. No doubt they were dark pink by this point.

"I'll see you later then?" He slightly smirked and winked at me playfully before walking into the café and going the direction Sapnap had gone, locking the door after entering.

If my cheeks weren't pink before, they definitely were now. Even though it was a small gesture I still felt myself redden. I stood for a few more seconds before slightly letting out a breath I hadn't realized I held and left towards my apartment complex, seeing the stars started to come out now.

"See you later," I chuckled to myself while rolling my eyes and walking just a tad bit faster to beat the darkness of the night.



this is my first time writing a story so be nice- obviously i'm open to constructed criticism of course, anything that'll help with my writing :,)

hope you guys liked this chapter, more to come soon

-lilo <3

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