chapter nine

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He gently kissed my neck a few times before pulling me back onto the sofa.

[943 words]

Dream POV

We were both lying down, his head on my chest and a blanket on top of us both. One of my hands was in George's hair, playing with his auburn locks, while the other was holding his soft, porcelain white hand, our fingers interlocked.

We weren't paying much attention to the movies that now played in the background as we started drifting off to sleep. I heard his breathing getting deeper and more steady, his heartbeat following. I decided to pull the blanket up a little higher and turn off the lamp.

"Goodnight my love," I whispered before closing my own eyes.

I wasn't able to sleep as peacefully as George seemed to be however. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss, 'did he just get caught up in the moment? What if he regrets it in the morning?... fuck. What if Peach finds out...'

I stared into the void that was the hallway, and felt my eyes get heavier but my brain was still buzzing with electricity. I just kissed him. Well... to be fair, he kissed me. I can't believe that actually happened.


George POV

Knocking could be heard from the other side of my door, "one minute," I said loud enough for them to hear. I was slipping on some pants and getting ready for the rest of the day. Dream had made us a small breakfast that consisted of cereal and a fruit smoothie, but had to get to work early. 'He was acting a bit strange this morning, but that's normal... right? To act nervous after you kiss your friend. Maybe he didn't even mean it like that. Did he mean it as I did? Did he regret it-? 'A second knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts.

Shuffling my way over, I answered the door and was met with Karl who looked like a deer in the headlights of love, "Hi Karl." It was silent as he just looked at me with bright eyes and a smile that would explode if it got any wider. "Did you want to come in?" he nodded.

When he walked in I saw that he was wearing Sapnap's hoodie and internally 'awed. He walked in and jumped on the sofa, lying down. He grabbed a throw pillow and screamed into it. I was shocked, but it sounded like it was a happy scream. I think??

He was definitely getting a serotonin overload and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. Karl still hadn't explained to me what had happened for him to be acting this way. I imagined it would be hard to talk if you were this happy.

A few minutes passed by and he still hadn't said anything. He tried however. He would open his mouth and try to form a sentence, but nothing came out. I waited patiently. After thinking for a moment, I went into a drawer of the bedside table and got out a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote down the words, 'I have a boyfriend,' it looked chicken scratched because of the speed he wrote it down, but I read it all the same.

I was confused for a split second until it clicked. Sapnap. Now it was my turn to jump up and down, "omg Sapnap?! Karl!! I'm so happy for you," we were now both on the sofa and it seemed like he couldn't wrap his head around it, still not talking but grinning brightly and giggling.


He stayed over for a little while after that, "so, how was your night with Dream~" He raised his eyebrows in a flirty manner and I scoffed.

I hadn't properly thought about what happened since this morning. It was now noon. Karl and I were talking over a cup of hot chocolate, "nothing really," I wasn't sure if Dream was comfortable with me talking about the kiss so I decided against it.

Karl could probably tell I was lying but didn't push any further. I was blushing furiously, it was even more obvious as my white wool sweater contrasted the red on my face greatly.

We talked about him and Sapnap for a little longer until Karl mentioned that Dream's old friend was coming over later today. From what Sapnap told Karl the other night, they used to be really close until they moved away from each other in the 10th grade. They still kept in touch online tho, even to this day.

I was growing nervous. I would be meeting someone that was close to Dream. Close like family. My hands started feeling clammy, my head hot, and I pleaded for Karl to change subjects in my head. That's when my wishes were answered and he started talking about his own family, calming the mood a little.

I still felt anxious but knew that I had a few hours before we met.


Karl left my apartment around 14:34 [2:34 pm]. I didn't feel like going to the café today. Seeing Dream would just make me feel nauseous again, and I couldn't handle that. On one end I felt bad for not popping by, but on the other, I acknowledge the fact that we had spent the night together, and he might want some time away. I mean, he didn't even text me like he usually does during his break. Which is fine. I'm.. completely fine with that. I mean.. we're not dating or anything, so it's fine.


kind of a short chapter- sorry about that asfkjla

drink water, and eat if you can ;^

- lilo<3

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