chapter five

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"Dream! Dream- I'm serious! Stop! I- Stop!" I started running, my laughs making me slow down as he continued to chase me around.

[1165 words]

George POV

I backed up a few steps as Dream came closer. Ultimately I started running and he walked after me, not minding that I ran as we were in a 1 bed, 1 bathroom apartment after all.

"Come here George~" I was hidden behind the corner, trying my best not to make any noise that would give away my spot.

"Meow!" I jumped as I saw Cat rubbing their head against my leg. My heart melted at the sight until I heard Dream's footsteps growing louder.

"Aha!" He exclaimed as he found me, pulling me into a hug so tight I couldn't escape, "I found you," he dragged out the last vowel and rested his head on my shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around my torso.

"Don't you need to go? Karl and Sapnap must be tired of waiting by now," I wrapped my arms around his neck, out of instinct. Not - and don't even think it was - because I liked it. The warmth from this morning came back. It was comforting, and I found myself almost closing my eyes.

He chuckled, and as he did so, he lifted his head so that we were now making eye contact, "I told them to leave a few minutes ago. Said that I would get a taxi or something back to the café."

I blushed as neither of us had blinked yet. His eyes were jumping from one to the other, "one of your eyes are bigger than the other," he hummed while smiling.

"Shut up," I smacked him gently.

"I have to go, my shift is gonna start soon. I'll see you later," he winked and let go of me. I was still deeply lost in his eyes and hadn't let go yet. I was studying the colour carefully, as if in a trance, "like what you see?" He joked.

I let go quickly, and scoffed under my breath. Once he was in the hall I asked, "why did you have to wait until Karl and Sapnap were gone? You didn't want them to know about your big crush on me?"

"Of course you say that when I'm in the hallway, and you're in the safety of your own house," he rolled his eyes with the biggest smile on his face. I waved, and shut the door just a little more confident then I was earlier, 'he didn't disagree. Does he like me? No- I'm just reading too much into it.'


Making my way downtown, walking fast, I felt cold rain hit my rosy face. I was almost to the café so it didn't bother me. After all, it was only a drizzle, nothing too harsh. I reached the door and opened it, hearing the little bell above my head ring. The smell of bitter coffee and chocolate cookies sent mixed signals to my nose.

I walked over to the counter and saw Dream was there, like he said he would be. The café was empty, Sapnap and Karl were nowhere to be found. Dream no doubt heard me come into the building, but he hadn't turned around.

"Dream?" he didn't answer me. He stayed behind the counter, looking into the back of the café. It looked as though he were frozen. Like he was stuck in place.

I walked over to where he was and tapped his shoulder. He turned his hand, and that's when I saw Sapnap and Karl both face-flushed and unreasonably far away from each other. I looked to my left, up at Dream with wide eyes and a shocked expression, to which he returned gracefully a huge grin, etched with disbelief.

"Hi... George," Karl gently waved his hand and Sapnap just kept his eyes on his shoes, the only article of clothing that was put on the right way.

"We're just gonna go see if there are any customers," I knew there weren't any, but I felt bad gawking at them like they were zoo animals or something. I grabbed Dream's finger and dragged him to a table.

Neither of us said anything for the first few seconds. I was still lightly holding onto his finger under the table. I felt my hand getting sweaty so I quickly let go, not wanting to get embarrassed.

"So... when did that happen?" I broke the silence, nodding my head towards the break room, where we had been standing earlier.

"I don't know. I thought they were just close or something," his face was still in shock. I wondered how long he had been standing there, staring, until I came over. I hoped it wasn't long, that would make it even more awkward.

"You're telling me you didn't know they liked each other?" I faced Dream. He shook his head, "Dream. Even I knew they liked each other, and I've known you guys for like maybe 2 weeks-"

"18 days actually," he smirked, sounding cocky. "And yea, I mean, I knew Sap liked Karl, we tell each other everything. But I didn't know Karl liked him, I honestly thought maybe you two had dated before, but you and Sap are on, like, two wayy different levels."

I decided to make his life harder by asking, "mhm? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, for one, you're much more organized and you put walls up around your little heart. Whereas Sap's has had many heartbreaks because he falls too easily, and his room is horrible compared to yours," he was looking at the table, playing with the rings on his fingers. Finally, he looked up at me, and rephrased when he saw my amused expression, "it's not a bad thing of course! I'm sorry if that came out wrong, I didn't mean it in a bad way I swear," he took my hand while talking and it made my heart flutter. "Plus," he added. "Sap isn't near as beautiful as you."

I got up from my seat to hide my blush, which failed because he stood up with me. My breath hitched as I heard the cute little bell and thought someone was coming in. Instead I saw Karl leaving rather quickly, making a bee-line for his car. I swear I could've seen his cheeks were tear-stained and heard a few sniffles.

Dream let go of my hand and walked to Sapnap who had just gotten out of the back and looked sad as well. Dream looked mad and they were talking in hushed voices. I didn't go up to them as I wasn't ever good with confrontation, but I knew that there was a good chance that Karl's crying was Sapnap's fault. After what felt like a minute or two, Dream stormed out, seemingly frustrated. Sapnap went to the apartment upstairs, where he and Dream lived, and I heard a door slam.



omg? karlnap angst? idk i'm not good at writing angst akjfhansj and it won't be super sad either, it's pretty short-lived

i'm gonna try to post 1 or 2 chapters everyday cuz i'm bored-


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