chapter three

51 5 3

The one left behind is someone I recognize. Dream.

[1432 words]

George POV

I wasn't surprised that he was Karl's friend. I had thought it a possibility when I was waiting for them to come up to my flat. I was staring at him now. More specifically his face, and every detail on it. Every curve, dent, and scar had its place. He looked so much more angelic with the moonlight hitting him this way.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. It was like an open wound. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help but stare, get closer, and inspect it- him, inspect him. So, that's what I attempted to do. Get closer.  Without realizing it, I took a step closer to him. The floor underneath me creaked, and he turned his head towards me, away from Karl and Sapnap. His eyes crinkled, and his lips curved upwards when we locked eyes. My leg was still slightly elevated. I put it back down, finished my step, and smiled back at him.

"Hi again," he said as he walked closer and opened his arms to me.

He engulfed me in a hug. Once I realized what was happening, I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him back. I was never one for physical touch, but he felt warm and comforting. I snuggled my head deeper into his chest subconsciously. Listen, I was cold, okay?

"Hi," it was muffled, although I think he got the message.

He let go and was grinning shamelessly. I followed his lead to the sofa and sat down, motioning for him to do the same. He sat down beside me. Karl and the person I could now recognize as Sapnap was walking back into the living room.

Everybody sat and we started talking about how we all met. Karl was surprised to know that I had already met Sapnap and Dream earlier at the café. I explained how I met Karl online to Dream and Sapnap. They went on to say that they had met Karl in university. All of them took different courses but were in the same [shared] dorm room.

It was 24:00 [midnight]. Anyone who walked in could tell the energy in the room was getting low and sleepy. I yawned when Karl started speaking.

"We should get going. You seem tired George," he smiled with the same tenderness as I imagined when I was on the phone with him, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. They were heavy, and he had difficulty keeping them open. Like everybody else in the room.

"Karl," I started, "you can't possibly think that I would let you drive home when you can barely keep your eyes open. Not to mention Sapnap is practically asleep on your shoulder."

I chuckled at the last part, as did Dream and Karl when they turned their heads to the youngest. Sapnap merely flipped me off a smile growing on his face, his eyes always closed. Karl looked at me and raised his eyebrows as if asking if they could stay the night. I smiled softly and nodded. He lay further back on the sofa, Sapnap not moving from his shoulder. They fell asleep quickly, slightly hugging each other as they did so. Cat stayed at their feet, purring softly.

The sofa could fit two people laying down. Three, if you would squeeze them together, or if they were children. I looked at Dream, his back pressed against the sofa and his eyes starting to close as well. I got up and put my hand on his knee, trying to get his attention without waking the other two.

He felt my hand and looked up at me with soft, tired eyes. I held my hand out to him and he took it, getting up as I led him to a more comfortable place. We reached my bedroom door frame and his eyebrows raised suggestively. I pushed him lightly and whispered that I would be sleeping on the floor.

"No, I can't do that to you George. In your own home, even less," he responded.

"Dream, please, you're my guest, you get the bed," I smiled as I got an extra pillow and a blanket from my closet, setting up my bed on the floor.

Dream looked at me with a look of pity, and I shot him a reassuring smile. I got under my blanket and closed my eyes. I heard the bed creak but could still feel his eyes burning holes into the back of my head. When I couldn't feel them anymore I turned around so that my eyes were facing the foot of the bed.

I opened my eyes and saw him sitting on the edge, looking at the wall, seemingly thinking. I closed my eyes again as he turned his head to me.


He whispered something but I didn't quite catch it. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up from the ground to see him looking back at me. He had a specific look on his face that you would only have if you'd thought you said something wrong.

"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that, could you repeat it," I responded softly, still not wanting to wake the two men in the other room.

He nodded, and said a little bit louder but always whispering, "We could share the bed, maybe? I don't feel comfortable letting you sleep on the floor, but you're stubborn so..." he trailed off, playing with his fingers on his lap.

My mouth hung slightly agape, eyes widened and face flushed. I don't know what I was expecting to come out of his mouth, but it wasn't that. My stomach had inhabited what must have been hundreds of butterflies, all because of one sentence, uttered by a man whose last name I didn't even know.

He got up and helped me pick up the pillow and blanket from the ground, not giving me a chance to answer. The moonlight shone on his face when we were walking back to my bed. I swore I could see the blush on his cheeks as well. I didn't point it out, however, as mine were probably ten times worse.

We both got in the bed and pulled the covers up to our shoulders. I turned so my face was directed towards his. He did the same a few seconds later. We weren't exactly at the same eye level, as his head was a bit higher than mine on the pillows.

We were both just staring into the eyes of one another as we remained quiet. As if this moment would be ruined if either of us uttered a single word. As if our eye contact was the only thing keeping us alive. As if we were both in love. But of course we weren't.

I was the first to break it. My eyes were travelling down his face at a slow pace. Examining his face, the way his curved eyebrows framed his eyes so perfectly, the way his nose arched, and finally I met the peach-pink lips that I had been stealing looks at earlier in the living room. Only this time we were closer, much closer.

He was smirking, and I knew that he could see where I was looking, but I didn't mind right now. His hand entered my vision and made its way to my chin. Lifting it, he made me look into his yellow eyes once again. I could see his smirk in my peripheral vision despite holding eye contact with this beautiful man.

His other hand made its way behind my head, his tanned fingers slightly curled in my dark brown hair. He lifted his head off his pillow before pressing his lips to my forehead. They only stayed there for a second, but it felt like much longer. The butterflies erupted once more, threatening to fly out from my throat. His lips were soft and warm. It contrasted my skin which was very cold despite being underneath a sheet and a blanket. He pulled away. Already I missed the warmth of his hands as he retracted them as well.

"Goodnight George," he finally whispered.

"Goodnight," I replied, still trying to process what had just happened. I would never admit it. Not even to myself, because it just wasn't true, that I was falling hard for this man. This golden eyed man, who reminded me of Dipsy [the green Teletubby] for some odd reason.

He stayed facing me, eyes closed, as I turned around, attempting to get comfortable. I finally let my eyes rest and [sub]consciously smiled. Soon after, I felt my body re-entering the same weightless dreamland state. Only this time nothing woke me up and I was able to sleep peacefully until the sun rose.



kind of in love with this chapter ngl 😍😍 probably my favourite one to date

anyways, i was bored again so posted this- almost done writing the last chapters tho, so fun

have a good day !! remember you're loved


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