chapter two

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"See you later," I chuckled to myself while rolling my eyes and walking just a tad bit faster to beat the darkness of the night.

[2275 words]

George POV [1st person]

It was now October 29th, and I would say I was pretty good friends with Sapnap and Dream by this point. We got along and even had similar tastes, plus we all had cats and played Minecraft. I've been popping by the café every day since the opening, either to talk with them because I was bored, or to grab a snack on my way to the library.

I've even grown feelings for them. One platonic, the other... not so platonic. I mean, who could blame me. With that hair and those sunshine-coloured eyes, it was inevitable. Sapnap, too, was charming, but all we ever did was bicker. At least with Dream, he knew when to stop. Although very blunt, he's also kindhearted and seemed loyal. He was definitely a 'family/friends come first ' type of person.

On my way home I stopped by the café, despite the 'closed' sign that hung loosely on the door. I had a question that needed an answer.

The bell above the door rang, and Sapnap started speaking, "so sorry, we're closed right now- Oh. Hi George!" Sapnap's mood had completely changed midway through his sentence. "What're you doing here? It's like 9 pm," his eyebrows were knit together as he checked the glass clock on the wall above the counter.

"Oh yea, sorry," I laughed sheepishly, my right hand going to grab my other arm, "I just wanted to come and say hi, and um, was actually wondering if you guys had any plans for Halloween?" I was now extremely more nervous than when I came in. 'Omg, what if he thinks I'm weird. We barely know each other. It's been barely been 2 weeks- George. Calm down. It's completely normal to be asking them to hang out.. Right?'

I was so lost in my thoughts, the two sides going back and forth, that I didn't even realize Dream walked into the dimly-lit room. When I lifted my head to meet his eyes they looked soft and happy. I didn't even know someone's eyes could look happy, but somehow they did. We held eye contact for a few seconds, before it became too much and I backed down, looking to the floor.

"George," Sapnap gained my attention once again as I shifted my eye onto him instead. "We're free on Halloween. Did you want to hang out or something?"

"Oh, um yeah," I smiled, now gaining some of my confidence back despite Dream looking me up and down, eyes positively gleaming. "I was gonna watch scary movies, you guys wanna join?"

Sapnap looked at Dream before accepting the invitation with a smile. I tried to get out as fast as I could, I said a quick goodbye and heard them whispering, something about "totally checking him out". But I continued walking towards the door, and out on the road. I heard a small bell ring a few feet behind me, and turned my head to see the tips of someone's hands pushing a man with a yellow sweater and black jeans out onto the sidewalk. My chuckles grew into more defined laughs as he looked around, squinting because it was dark, not able to find me.

He walked towards the sounds and finally reached me. "Hey, it's dark out here. Let me walk you to your car," Dream smiled.

"Oh, um, I don't have a car," I stated, looking in the direction I usually walked, my laughs had subsided by now.

"Can I walk you home then?" He tried again.

"Yea, if you'd like to," he nodded and immediately made small talk.

I'd learnt that he rarely liked silence. He was always talking, about his cat back in Florida; Patches, Sapnap, his family, anything and everything. It was comforting, hearing him talk about things he was passionate about. It gave me loads of serotonin that I was sure would last me for years to come when I would think back on these moments.

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