Trust issues

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(Today's chapter will be kinda short and it won't be "relevant" to the main story)

(Michael has been working for almost a week with the whole crew, they've grown into him dissipating the fear of machines even for a bit... as he waved goodbye closing another successful day he went home and rested for a bit untill...)

Michael's pov:

I woke up to my phone ringing and wandered the call in a tone of annoyance

Yes? Who is it?

"Hey Michael it's me your boss remember?"

Oh yeah,sorry I just woke up...

"Well, straight to what I wanted to tell you, there are a few "problems" I need to be fixed for next week,it would be nice if you could pass by and fix it"

And it has to be on my free day?

"Yeah sorry about that but that's life so please do as I said"

Ugh,fine I will start working at 6p.m ok?

"Fine by me,but remember I want it fixed before next week bye~"

As she hangs up I just lay my head on the pillow knowing that this will be a long and tiring day...

*Time skip*

It was already dark,a thick fog covered the whole pizzeria giving it an ominous look

I didn't even need to enter to know that something bad would happen

But as boss said"that's life".I took a deep breath and headed in was...empty?

No one to annoy me or even greet me...I felt happy for a moment but soon that happiness was replaced with concern and nerves.

Hello...? I said with a trembling voice, CB...? But no one's the sound of old lights and some pipes the only thing echoing through the whole place

I ran to my office...and nothing...I then went to the main stage...still nothing...I had a major bad feeling...what if something had happened to them?? I thought will dashing through the empty corridors

HELLO?!,I screamed making an enormous echo,but still that feeling...that nauseating feeling of void and despair...

As I grew exhausted I only had left one place left unchecked...the basement,of course it had to be the basement,I cursed my luck and headed right in.

I saw a long corridor with some white walls and very poor illumination I could barely see enough to not trip and fall to the ground,the corridor kept getting thiner and thiner,darker and darker...

Something was off,I can feel it...

I don't even remember how long I've been down here,it's getting harder to even breath and as soon as I took a moment to breath...I saw him...I knew it was only an illusion but I couldn't hold my tears...the face,the clothes...

As I fell down on my knees I just said Brother...? He seemed sad,it extended his hand and shook my hair

In my head resonated..."don't go any further"... I didn't knew how or why now but... now it wasn't the time for daydreaming I have to look for my friends...

Im sorry brother,I said as I stood up and walked further into de corridor finally arriving at what it seemed to be an elevator door,I went in possibly regretting what would happen next...

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