A mysterious Encounter

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(Michael's POV:)
Wha...what happened...?

Did I... Just died again...?

The room I'm in was pitch black but something was different

I was in some sort of bed but...

I felt some sort of warmth,and as I began to regain my other senses I could feel something...soft?

No...not one...two??

As I started to breath to calm myself An arm wrapped me?!

This surely was another of CB's pranks...right?I thought to myself

CB! I know that its you! You can stop it now!


There was no response but Instead another arm wrapped me and pulled me back to the bed


This isn't good! I tried reaching for my pocket flashlight to get some light to the room

As soon as I got my flashlight I threw it,giving me some time to see where I was...

It was...some sort of bedroom...oh god...

I felt my blood ran cold I had many questions how did they know I was with CB or even how they managed to bring me here...

I had to get out of there...

As I tried to unwrap myself from whoever is there I could hear a door creak making the whole room bright for a second...

?:soo...your awake now huh?

As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see a voluptuous yellow figure it was non other than Chica...

It seemed as Chica was annoyed by something so I looked around and immediately noticed two girls asleep by my sides

One was a brown bear wearing a black bowtie and a top hat I immediately recognised her...It was Freddy the pizzeria main mascot...

And the other girl...wait...wasn't she that suit I found on the security guard closet-

I jumped out of bed going to the corner and preparing myself for whatever is to come and as I did so the other two woke up...

Both: *yawn*

Freddy:Is it that time already...? She said as she stretched

her golden version just imitated her, Jiggling and looking directly at my eyes...

And just as I blinked... She got right beside me still looking at my eyes

She is bad news...

I tried backing off more but the wall didn't let me...She just smiled getting even closer to me,closer and closer... She was barely one inch from my face...then

Chica:Hey! That's enough Fredderine!! Said chica as she grabbed the golden Bear by her back and pulled her aside

I took this chance to escape, I ran as fast as I could to the door Even opening it but as I thought I made it...Freddy was waiting for me with a smile on her face

Freddy:My,My, what a smart man, thinking that he could escape so easily~!

These Two were insanely fast as well as intelligent I don't have a chance against them right now...

I lifted both arms up signaling that I surrender

Fine, Fine you got me... I said as I rolled my eyes...

Double life Double the prizeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora