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I managed to get on CB right on time...! "the red fox" busted in, almost destroying the door...

When the cloud of dust disappeared I could see her green eyes looking directly at CB...or maybe she was looking at me?!

I began sweating like crazy while she kept approaching with a shining hook on her hand and a smirk when...she suddenly stopped moving...?

CB was also not trying to move to look deactivated,"the fox lady" took one last look around before grabbing the door and putting it back on place then leaving the room...

I got out of CB because she was starting to glitch by all the sweat so I deactivated her for a while, after cleaning her properly I thought to myself...

It has already been 6 minutes since "the fox lady" left...I should see if she really left...

As I got to the door and opened it to take a peek at what is happening outside...

!!! A hook came faster than I could blink piercing my hoodie and dragging me to some sort of scenary...more precisely "her" scenary...

She just tossed me to it and closed the courtains

Michael: Agh...! So your a rough type aren't you lady...? *I said joking*

She didn't seemed to like the joke as she just growled in response

Now that I could see her fully I could see that she had very revealing clothes as well as a voluptuous body...but as I was lost in my mind she rapidly approached trying to behead me!

*I barely dodged the swing* woah!! Calm down lady...! ....!!!...

As I was trying to catch my breath I got pushed into the wall having her arm at the side of my face...she was really close...and the only exit I could see was right behind her but she was extremely fast and escaping won't be a option...

I got on a fighting stance but before I could do anything she started to speak

Fox lady: First of all who shall ya' be...? Intruder...? *She spoke with a menacing tone*

I immediately got the idea of telling her that I was the new security guard and so I did...

Michael:I...I am the new security gua-!!!

I couldn't even finish the sentence when I saw her hook barely missing my head

Fox lady: Ya' better not lie to me intruder! *She clenched her teeth as she growled* I already know by eye the new guard and it sure isn't ya'!

Shit...she caught me...I didn't want to use this but...

Michael:...look I don't want to get in a big mess but I'm looking for someone...

The fox lady looked directly at my eyes trying to find if I was liying again...

Fox lady: ...I don't trust you intruder...but at least I won't kill now

Michael:Fine by me but before anything...just follow me

I took a peak from the courtains to see if there were more people to be aware of...I could see two of them...the bunny and the yellow one were having a chat...

Dammit I can't go out now or I'm dead for sure...!

The fox lady looked at me confused and said...

Fox lady: so what's the matter with them not seeing ya'?

Michael: like I said I don't want to get in a mess!

I looked at the fox lady for an I was thinking I saw the fox lady getting a huge teddy bear and reaping its head off

Double life Double the prizeWhere stories live. Discover now