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in which carson meets her best friend and best frenemy


"Drew, I don't want to just leave her in a daycare somewhere," A much younger Gina holds a three-year old Carson's hand.

"What do you want me to do? I can't cancel surgeries everyday," he sighs.

"Can I go play? Please?" she pulls her hand, two braided pigtails bouncing as she asks.

"Go ahead honey," she lets her go, and she runs towards the bouncy house.

As she stands in the line, a redhead with a big pink bow in her hair taps her.

"I like your dress," she smiles, pointing to the blue plaid material.

"Thank you, my mom made it," she gives a bigger smile. "I like your shoes."

"Thank you. Want some M&Ms?" she grabs a tiny bag from her pocket, holding it out.

"Sure, my mom never buys these," she accepts. "Wanna be best friends?"

"Yeah!" the redhead nods her head enthusiastically. "Wait, what's your name?"

"Carson. What's yours?"


"Yay, we're next," Carson points to the line, which shortened dramatically throughout their conversation.

Little did they know they'd become best friends for life.


"Welcome to class everyone! I'm your new teacher Ms. Lindman, and I'm so excited for this year. Why don't we have everyone stand up and say one thing about themselves?" a short blonde woman explains to the class of seven year olds.

After going through the names alphabetically, she points to Lydia.

"Hi, I'm Lydia. My favorite color is purple, and my best friend is Carson," she explains, already confident at her young age.

"I'm Carson. My favorite color is pink and my best friend is Lydia," she smiles, as Jackson snorts.

"No one asked," he coughs, and she turns to him in shock.

"Repeat that, Mr. Whittemore," Ms. Lindman says.

"Nothing," he mumbles.

"Jerk face," Carson whispers to Lydia, who laughs.

During recess that day, Carson and Lydia walk up to Jackson, frowns on their faces.

"I think you're a jerkface. And mean. And you need a haircut," the brunette glares.

"I think you're an annoying butthead," he responds.

"Tag?" Lydia suggests, and both kids look at her for a moment.


And so Jackson became apart of their group in a way, constantly arguing with Carson and occasionally Lydia.


"Tell Jackson I'm gonna kill him," Carson walks into Lydia's room, taking her beanie off.

"Why exactly?" Lydia asks, continuing to write in her notebook.

"Look at my hair," she turns around, the once long black curls now reduced to shoulder length.

"Oh my God," her green eyes widen, as the boy in question walks in.

"Jackson, what did you do?" Lydia points to her friend's surprisingly even locks.

"She rammed into me in gym. Thanks by the way, now I have to wrap my ankle," he sneers. "Lacrosse season starts in a month."

"You ruined my hair. All-Stars is in two weeks!"


"So I look like an eight year old boy with a bowl cut, and I'm head cheerleader, you jerk!" she grabs a pen, aiming it at him.

"Hey- Lydia!" he dodges the weapon, and Lydia laughs at the sight before her.

"You guys are such babies. Jackson, your ankle should be fine by February. Carson, we'll go to the salon with Mom to make this better," she polices them, and they continue to glare at each other.

"I still hate you," she mutters.

"I still hate you more."



"Shut up!" Lydia sighs.

And the feud continues.


"So..." Lydia speaks up, making Carson look up from her spot reorganizing her closet.


"Jackson asked me out," she finally blurts out, and Carson drops her Mary Janes in response.

"I'm sorry what?" she shouts.

"He asked me to the Winter Formal. You're going with Lucas, so it's not like I'm bailing on you," she laughs.

"But it's Jackson. Ew," she shivers.

"Just say you're happy for me so I can give you your Christmas gift," she holds up the red and gold bag, clearly holding something expensive.

"You can't buy my approval," she narrows her eyes, grabbing the gift anyway.

"I thought so. I told him if only go if he bought you a new purse for the one he dyed orange," she grabs a minibag out of her tote, and Carson's eyes widen.

"Consider him approved. You're never living this down though," she reminds her.


a/n: to pair with this very short chapter (my apologies) i've made one of those "if carson rivera did this trend" pictures. yk where they draw the angel wings and such ?

 yk where they draw the angel wings and such ?

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I WANNA BE YOURS - TEEN WOLF  (6)Where stories live. Discover now